I pull away from Sully and look over to Jax and Corey still on the ice beating the fuck out of each other; they both were the fighters of the team.
I walk away, sliding my feet as fast as they can across the ice, before I step off the ice, slide my heels off, and my walk turns to a run, and I bust out the rink door, and I don’t stop.
They set me up, they knew, they knew he was here. This is why I have walls, and why I never let them down. Just when I thought my life was finally turning around, it slaps me in the face again.
I need to feel nothing, I don’t want to feel this pain again. I won’t do it; so I go where I know I can hide.
Getting my last good punch in before I pull myself off Corey, wanting to take his head and smash against this ice.
"Jax that’s fucking enough, what the fuck are you doing?" I look to my father, spitting the blood from my mouth at his feet.
"This piece of shit is not taking my spot as Captain or any spot on this fucking team; Do you understand me?"
"This isn’t your team anymore Jax."
"The fuck it isn’t, this will always be my fucking team."
"You keep Corey on this team, you will be down a goalie." Koda growls, and a smile curls on my lips, begging my father to stand his ground because I will be taking another player from him.
"Corey is the reason Macie wants no fucking parts in this place, all over a fucking bet."
I turn and watch Corey trying to get up, on all fours, and he looks up at me and spits at my feet, "You’re just pissed I got that pussy before you."
My foot comes up and I kick him in the face like a fucking football.
"JAX!" My father yells but I ignore him completely as I bend over Corey slumped over on the ice, and growl my words as he grunts and holds his nose, "You either leave, or I will break every fucking bone in your body so you can’t ever play."
I stand and look to Sully, realizing Macie is gone, "Where is she?"
"She took off." He responds with a shrug.
"And you let her go! What the fuck Sully."
What the fuck is wrong with these stupid fucks. I walk past them all pulling my phone from my pocket and start calling her.
Fucking bitch; She won’t answer, but that’s okay, I know where she is.
I made my mind up, not wanting to play pro, I enjoy the freedom, the stress-free play of a game, but I’m done.
I will not play for this team that is falling apart, I don’t belong here, I belong with my boys and my sister. It’s been the four of us, and they left, leaving just me, and I don’t fucking like it.
I knew about this bet they all had, but never knew the full details of it, I stayed out of their fucked up ways. I can’t believe they did this to Macie.
She has been there for everyone of them, has always supported us as a team, she was our biggest cheerleader, and they did this to her. I can’t stay because of that.
I get my pads off, getting dressed, I grab my bag and sticks before out the door I go.
Seeing Corey in the hallway, like nothing happened, talking some girl up and I laugh, taking my sticks in both hands.
I go to walk past him, but not before I swing both my sticks, hitting him in the back of the legs, making his legs buckle and he falls to the floor.
I look to the girl he’s trying to talk up.
"You don’t want to play with a little boy like him." And I walk away, laughing; Fucking piece of shit.