Not Ready to Make Nice
Iwas expecting to find her at her spot, but I’m here and she’s not. And now the worry consumes me.
I’ve called her a million times, I’ve been home, I have her car. The only place I haven’t been to is the club, so I make my way there.
I fucked up letting my own wants and needs take over, not realizing what this was going to do to her.
I was already planning to come home, but when Koda told me that shit about Corey, I was desperate to get here, Koda said bring her too, we both fucked up.
I saw the look in her eyes when she saw Corey. I was behind him; I saw her tremble immediately. She doesn’t have to tell me anything, I fucking know Corey. He’s a fucking punk.
Shocked Koda has kept his shit together as long as he has, finding this shit out. That’s alright. I’m not done with Corey.
I pull into the club parking lot, getting out I make my way inside.
Immediately seeing her friend Keri, "Where is she?"
She laughs, "Why would I tell you."
"Because I’m not going to ask twice."
"You don’t want to talk to her right now."
I cock a brow as my hands draw into fists, "I’m not in the mood."
"Neither is she, and she’s drunk; I don’t know if you know how she is when she’s been drinking but, now isn’t the time to make nice."
I huff my smile, "Where is she?"
"Don’t say I didn’t warn you." She points to a door, "She’s in there."
I walk past her, and she snaps her sass, "You’re welcome."
I throw my middle finger up as I continue to walk to where Macie is, preparing myself. I know how she is when she’s drunk and pissed off. She turns into a raging bitch.
I shouldn’t have let him in there. He brought her home to face her demon. She told me what happened with her and Corey and how much it broke her.
She was so happy to finally get out of here and now, look, she’s back and Corey’s here; Fucking scum.
I know Jax means well, but Macie is not in any kind of listening or talking mood. She has not one, but two bottles of Jack, which she will drink at least one of them, when she is like this.
For a little thing she is a fish. It took Macie a long time to get over what Corey did to her, and then she lost her best friend Holly. She has been drowning in pain and heart break.
She was getting what she wanted. She told me about her new job. I’m so proud of her. For not having support, that girl has fought hard to be where she is, to overcome the demons that have swallowed her.
It’s time for her to be happy and have what she’s always wanted.
I open the door and before I even step in her words snap out, "Get the fuck out."
I laugh and step in, shutting the door behind me as my eyes draw up to her, just laying back against her silks in the air, like a hammock, with a bottle of Jack dangling from her hand.
Oh, boy, she’s got the good stuff too. Finding a bit of humor in this, I make my way to her.