Page 47 of Puck It!

"I’m done, I just have to hang my silks now, the bracket’s in."

He lifts a brow, "Are you ever going to let me help you?"

"One day." I say with a shrug of my shoulder.

"No, it’s starting today" He sets me down, "Give them to me."

I hand him my silks, knowing he’s fucking pissed, watching his jaw tick, but oh well, I don’t tend to rely on people, I guess I need to get used to it, no, not going to happen.

I watch him climb the ladder and begin to hang my silks, "Jax, you have to loop it through that ring."

He does what I tell him to; that’s important for me to have tied right, or I will eat the floor; So I watch him closely.


I can practically see the steam rolling off Jax’s shoulders; He is fucking pissed Macie didn’t listen; I think the shits funny.

Macie is the monster that her father, Jack created.

Jack treated Macie like a Princess, and she can be a brat.

She’s sassy as fuck, acts like she is ten foot tall sometimes, and knows how to bat those eyes to get what she wants, but Jack also taught Macie how to fight for what she wanted too. Clearly, he taught her how to use power tools, damn girl.

I can’t say I don’t find that hot as fuck.

I might be a little more used to her ways, having a sister the same way, and when they were together, you learn how to ignore their shit; Oh, Jaxie boy will get there; This should be an interesting night out.


Jax climbs back down and looks over, "You need to go get ready; we have dinner to go to."

"Oh, I didn’t know I was going."

"Of course you’re going, why wouldn’t you?"

I lift my shoulders in a shrug. My eyes dart to my silks now hung and my fingers start twitching, wanting to play for a minute.

Jax takes the ladder down before taking it back out to the garage, Sully’s in the kitchen, and I can’t help it; My hand wraps around my silks and I give it a good tug down towards the floor, checking to make sure it’s going to hold.

One more check, jumping up, the silks taking my weight and there is no budge, so, my legs split as I walk my hands up the silks, before my legs close.

Wrapping the silk around my thigh and ankle, in a particular order so it will hold my weight, I wrap my foot with the silk, using it as a balancer to hold me up as my hands let go of the silk.

With my leg wrapped in my silk holding all my weight, I lay back against the air, stretching my body, as the smile comes to my face.

Changing to another trick, "Angel" Jax suspiciously growls.

I keep going with my trick as I ask with my slightly panted word, "Yes?"

"I can’t be late."

"Okay, I’m coming."

"Are you now?" He jokes.

I laugh causing me to almost slip, but I catch myself, and just get myself down before I do fall, "Funny." I bite.

"Hey, you’re the one that makes it all sexy and shit."