The blinding light stings my sleepy eyes finding a text from Jax, a smile curls.
He probably found my note. Last night, I woke up in our bed after falling asleep in his lap outside, knowing he put me here. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I left him a note to find this morning as he was getting dressed for practice.
I open the text and sure enough...
I snort a laugh; yup, he found my note; I knew Jax was a little nervous, so I wanted to make him laugh and tease him a little. So, I found his hockey bag and wrote on his jockstrap.
"Keep my Anaconda well protected."
Yeah, don't you love it.
You have the whole team talking about this now.
That's alright, flaunt it baby. Just make sure they all know; you know how to wrangle that snake just right too.
Killing me girl.
Have a good practice.
Thanks Angel
I send him back a wink kiss emoji and lay my phone on the bed beside me as I carry on my giggle before I get my ass up and get dressed.
Making my way downstairs to start some sort of a routine, those tall ceilings calling to me and the urge to hang from my silks, getting lost in my acrobatic tricks, consumes me.
Getting to the kitchen, I find ingredients to make a good fruity smoothie, thinking this is really fucking cool how set up this was for the guys. Made things easy for them to focus right on hockey instead of worrying about getting themselves settled in with all the moving crap.
I grab my laptop and sit at the kitchen bar and check my emails, praying there's an email about a job, but no such luck. I skim through and see if I can find any teaching jobs for young skaters, it’s something. I find one and I apply to it, and hope I at least get that.
I clean up my mess from my smoothie making, finding the little in-home gym we have, I start working out. Burning some energy from my mind and body, not really knowing what else to do. I want to explore the town, but not today.
I got lost in my work out, the time passed by quickly, but the guys are still gone, and that damn ceiling keeps taunting me. I go out to the garage and the ladder that hangs on the wall shines bright, almost calling to me, "Oh, fuck it" the words snap from my mouth and I grab the ladder, pull it away from the wall, half dragging it behind me with how long it is before I set it up in the living room.
Picking my spot, I run up and grab my silks that I had brought, in hopes I would find a place to hang them, or if I needed them for a job. I go back out to the garage, and I shit you not, there’s power drills, oh I’m in luck. This is fucking great.
I grab the drill, make sure I have power and enough of it, getting the correct bit for my silk hangers, I make my way back to the living room, picking the right place, and I go to work.
Climbing the ladder with drill in hand and bracket that needs to be drilled into the ceiling, getting to the top I stand on the very top of the ladder and I can barely reach the ceiling, causing me to get up on my tip toes; Good thing I’m comfortable being in the air with very little holding me up.
I giggle to that as I look down, and boy, I am up here.
Finding the stud in the ceiling, I start to make the holes that I need before I start screwing the bracket to the wall, most defiantly needing an extra hand while I drill, but I manage and I get the bracket I need into the wall.
"What the fuck did I tell you!?" My lips roll between my teeth, biting my smile, hearing Jax growl, knowing I’ve been caught and I’m in trouble.
"Get the fuck down before you fall, Jesus, Macie." He's pissed.
I rock back on my heels, still standing at the very top of the ladder and I look down at him.
"Hey, look at that, for once I’m taller than you." I giggle, and I swear I see steam coming from his ears with his growl, "Get down."
I shake my head, "Make me."
Sully barks a laugh with his words, "Macie, you’re asking for it, get the fuck down."
Jax shakes the ladder, causing me to lose my footing, knocking me off the ladder and I begin to fall, before he catches me, "That’s all it would have taken for you to fall and bust your ass."