THAT is why I didn’t tell them in the first place; But he lied to me and broke my trust in the process. I don’t trust easily, and now, I don’t know.
The last time I came to this outlet mall, Holly was with me. We spent so much money that day, oh… it was so bad. But I haven’t been since then; So, I guess I have to do it again.
Too bad I didn’t have Jax’s card, that would be one hell of a pay back; I would melt that damn thing I’m so angry with him, just to be spiteful.
I’ll just melt my brothers. I have a card of his he told me to take, in case of an emergency; Whelp, it’s an emergency, or… it’s payback.
Enjoy paying this bill Koda.
I have a few emails from the agent I’m working with about the event. She’s sent me everything I need. I have my access code to get into the building, so I can practice where I will be performing; Which is awesome, it will help me feel the vibe come show day.
As much as I am excited, I’m scared to death and all of this on top of it, I won’t lie, I’m second guessing myself; Can I pull this off.
I really hope I can, or I’ll just embarrass myself before I get started.
I pull into the parking lot; a good mixture of emotions hits me as memories swirl around of Holly and me; I’ll spend extra for you girl.
I park my car before I grab my credit card from my wallet, slide it into the back of my phone, tuck my wallet in the center console, in its hiding spot; As much as I’m a girlie, girl, most days, I hate carrying a purse when I shop.
I get out of the car before I make my way to the shops.
This was a terrible idea to do in the mood I’m in, I’ll regret this later, but right now, I need to burn some energy off, plus, my ass is hurting from sitting in my car.
I immediately go to my favorite store, where I get my heels. Of course I’m going for heels first, they make me, ME; I would wear heels in sweatpants if it wouldn’t look ridiculous. I love the feel of them, and the fact they make me taller.
Won’t lie, they make my ass pop too!
I walk into the store and start my search really looking for whatever, nothing in particular, just ready to spend some fucking money. Fuck you Guys!
I feel like I am a stalker, stalking her right now.
All three of us with our hoods up, sitting outside the store she’s in. Straight up fucking spying.
"Koda we should not be doing this." I shake my head with my words as I watch her through the glass window looking at her favorite, her damn heels.
"Why not?; She will never know." He laughs
"Yeah, until we get caught motherfucker."
"She’s going to be pissed." Sully laughs.
"I really don’t care, I’m not letting my baby sister explore the fucking world with out some sort of supervision; She’ll never know. We aren’t doing anything wrong."
"The fuck we’re not. You already got my fucking ass in trouble, now look at me, fucking spying on her." I growl, before I clench my teeth.
He laughs, "Yeah, well."
"Yeah, well my ass, she’s not mad at you."
"Yeah, she is, that’s why she won’t answer."
I look to Sully.
"She isn’t answering me either, so, she’s mad at us all." He barks and I shake my head, but I roll with it because I agree with Koda; yet didn’t I just get into trouble for betraying her trust.
Fuck me.