It’s hard to see her through the glass now and all the people walking by, but I see that blonde hair roaming around in the store. She’s in there forever too, which makes me laugh; she does know how to shop till she drops.
"Here she comes, put your head down." Koda laughs out and we all drop our chins to our chests, but I can’t tear my eyes off her as she walks out the door with three bags in her hand, and she’s off to the next one.
Koda’s hand slaps across my chest before he jumps up, "Come on, let’s go."
This is fucking wrong, we should not be doing this but, she’s getting her way, and we’re getting ours.
We walk a good distance behind her, and I do try, but I can’t help my eyes settling on that perfect little ass, jiggling with each step, wanting to squeeze those cheeks in my hands; Jesus Jax, get your shit together.
She goes into another store, and we find a seat in front of the store again and wait for her next move.
I’ve managed four pairs of heels, and now I’m working on some outfits; I need a new wardrobe anyways, so mine as well get it all done now.
As much as I am trying to procrastinate getting home, I need to because I need to practice and get ready so, I won’t go crazy with detours.
I grab a few outfits and take them to the dressing room to start trying them on. Kind of wishing Jax was here so I could give him a show of them, but…
It takes a while to get through them all, yes, I go crazy. Adding six bags to my three already, I call it a day of shopping, spending an unnecessary amount of money.
I put my bags in the back seat of my car before getting into the driver’s seat. I hit up a fast-food joint, before I get back out on the main road, to start my night of driving.
The cool brisk night air flows in my windows, and even though I’ve made this trip already, this time I’m doing it alone. I had always planned on leaving alone anyways.
Hours and hours of driving, listening to the songs on the radio they play over and over. I turn my playlist on from my phone and let my mind wander into a routine for next weekend, well this weekend now. I only have five days now; I really cut myself short. Ha!
As I drive, a smile pulls from my lips as I approach the beach I made Jax stop at.
Fuck it. It’s the middle of the night but fuck it.
I pull off on the side of the road, shutting my car off, before I grab my phone and keys, and make my way out of my car.
The moon is so bright, I don’t need a light. She reflects from the water, creating a beautiful natural light. I make my way out onto the beach, before I sit down in the sand. Bringing my knees to my chest, I wrap my arms around them, and rest my chin to my knees, staring out into the open water, hanging on to the last ounce of control I have.
I’ve kept myself in control behind the wheel, shopping, well, okay, my shopping was definitely me losing control. But I’m talking emotionally.
Corey took so much from me. When I thought my life would never be the same, basically after my dad, it took me years to get back to normal. Corey was there when I started to get back to things, showing interest that he hadn’t before. And I fucking fell for it.
I was so broken, I even thought about leaving this world forever. That hit me even harder after Holly died. I thought I for sure was a goner. But something inside me said I will not let this ruin me, and I pulled myself together.
I lay back in the sand and stare up into the dark night sky, the stars so bright, taking this in, this freedom, a different kind, my freedom.
The tears start to trickle from my eyes, fighting so hard to not let myself fall into that pain. I close my eyes. Fuck it.
This is exactly why I can’t trust her to let her do shit by herself. It’s the middle of the fucking night.
We stayed a few miles behind her, and when the little red dot stopped moving on Koda’s phone, I saw where it was. She’s at the beach we stopped at.
Koda pulls over and stops, seeing her car on the side of the road up ahead.
"What the fuck is she doing?" Sully snaps.
"See why Dad had a tracker on her."
I lean forward in the seat and look out the windshield seeing her laying out on the beach, "Is she fucking sleeping?"