Page 53 of Puck It!

I check to see if I have a response from the agent, and I do, so I open the email; Hell yeah. They want to meet, giving me a time, I agree to it.

Getting myself ready, drying the hair, do the face, cover up the bruise, before I go find something to wear; I'm going to need Jax's truck to get there.

After getting dressed, sliding my feet into my heels, I make my way downstairs and I'm out the door. We aren't far from the rink, and I know the guys are practicing so, a good morning walk will only help loosen my stiff muscles.

I enjoy my walk, the new scenery, the smells, the cool breeze blows my long hair sending a shiver up my neck.

It's not long before I make my way into the skating rink and find the guys on the ice practicing. I kind of stay hidden, not wanting to bring attention to myself, I slink down into a chair in the bleachers and watch, picking Jax out easily, Sully too, I know how they skate.

I watch Jax doing a play with a couple of the guys, watching the goalie, who personally I think needs to get into the net more and stop worrying about the player by his net.

I'm a goalie’s sister, I used to practice with my brother; Speaking of which, I haven't heard from him, so I pull my phone out and call him via video chat, and luckily, he picks up.

"Hey buddy, what are you doing?" I ask with my smile.

"Just finished practice; What are you up to?" he asks.

"Watching the guy’s practice."

"So, you just following him around now Macie?" My brother growls in his annoyed tone, catching me off guard.

"No, I walked here because I need him to take me to an interview." I snap.

"That's good, keep doing you Macie." His voice softens but I'm still surprised by his words.

"I am Dakota, just want to find the right one."

"Alright; Hey, I’ll call you later, okay."

"I really miss you, Dakota" I feel my eyes sting as the tears start to pool, I really miss him.

"I know sis, I miss you too. It’s not the same without you."

"Are you sure you don’t want to come play? I think they could use your help." I tease with my giggle.

"I’ll talk to you later Macie, I got to go."

"Okay" I hang up, and stare at my phone, feeling sad; I miss my brother. But I was honest about them needing a goalie. No offense, but he’s not my brother.

Still caught off guard by his tone and annoyance, I take in a deep breath letting it out with a sigh and continue to watch the guys until I see Coach Josh wave me over to him; Well, okay.

So, I get up and make my way to him. Stepping onto the ice, doing everything in my power to not bust my ass, since I’m in heels and it’s like walking on tooth picks out here. And of course, Jax and Sully have to give me a nice spray of ice shavings as they come to a sliding stop beside me, messing with me.

"What the hell are you doing here, Angel?" I lift my brow at Jax's question, "Came to spy on you." I giggle.

He slides his helmet from his head before he leans down and kisses my cheek, before he whispers, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, why wouldn’t I be."

He kisses my neck right where I covered the bruise that was left before he whispers, "That."

I smile and whisper my words, "Never better."

He leans back and searches my eyes, debating if I’m lying or not but I’m not.

"We’ll talk later."

He nods in agreeance.