Page 54 of Puck It!

Coach Josh skates up to us, before he asks, "What do you think it’s going to take to get your brother out here?"

I laugh, they are desperate before shrugging my shoulder, "I don’t know, Wow him."

"What will wow him?"

I shake my head with Josh's interest, and look up to Jax.

"I don’t know; There’s a reason he didn’t want to play; I have to respect that."

"Alright." Josh groans out in annoyance, before he skates away and I look back to Jax.

"How did you get here Angel?"

"I walked, I need you to take me somewhere, since I know you won’t let me drive your truck."

He chuckles, "No, you are not; Where do you need to go?"

"I have an interview with an agent about a job for a big event."

"That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?"

I nod agreeing.

"Let me shower and I’ll take you."

"Okay, take your time; I’ll meet you out front."

He nods before he leans down pressing a kiss to my lips, curling his arm around my waist as he pulls me into him, lifting my feet off the ice.

"Don’t make me fall Jax" I whisper against his lips.

"Never" He leans back with his arm still curled around me, completely lifting me from the ice, he skates to the edge of the ice, setting me on solid, non-ice ground, "Thank you."

He chuckles, stepping off the ice himself, "I’ll be out in a minute."

I nod before he steps past me and walks down the hallway towards the locker room, and I make my way outside.

I sit on the bench, and watch the people pass by, remembering my busy days at the rink. The little hockey players struggle to carry their hockey bags, but they give it a go, to look tuff of course.

The little figure skaters with their hair pulled back into tight buns, some have leg warmers on, some don’t, I always wore them, still do before I dance. I absorb it all in and wait for Jax to finish up.

When he finally walks out the door, carrying his bag on his shoulder and sticks in hand, which causes me to smile as I watch him walk towards me.

I always thought Jax had a dark side to him, he defiantly carries that big dick energy, and I have confirmed for sure that’s true. And that dark side took me to a whole new high, a whole new feeling, a feeling I think I would only get from Jax.

And I like it, a lot.

"You ready?"

I smile with my answer, "Yes, I am."

I am so ready to start this chapter in my life, and I pray this goes like I want it to.

And… I am so ready to do this all with Jax, this chapter, story, wanting to open my closed doors and let him into my heart.

So, I do… I open the door that I closed, swearing I would never open it again.

Past to Present