Page 17 of Untouchable

Jo puffs her cheeks and blows out a breath. “Yeah, I guess we should. I’m hoping I’m filled with your babies now, anyway. So, we need to be honest.”

Something about hearing her say that sends a shock through me again, and my cock is already growing hard. I want her to have my babies. I want to fill her up. I want to give her everything.

I tuck into Jo’s hand and kiss the top of her head gently. “You want me to take the lead?”

She grins. “Kinda, but I should probably do this myself. It’s going to sound better coming from me.”

I nod and we walk down the hallway hand in hand.

Jo opens the door and Siren stares at us, her jaw dropped. “You two were fucking, weren’t you?”

Chapter Seven


I’m not altogether sure how to respond. I hate lying. It makes me feel gross, and ultimately, the truth comes out anyway. That said, I also hate hurting people’s feelings.

“Hey. What’s up?” I avoid her question all together. “You’re looking good today. Extra rested?”

My sister rolls her eyes and steps into the trailer, noting the wet clothes still on the floor. “God, when were you guys gonna tell me?”

I squint my eyes and manage a slight bit of eye contact as Ox picks up the mess we made on the floor. Had I known she was coming, I’d have cleaned up.

“Right now. We were planning on telling you right now, actually.”

“Right,” she groans, plopping down on the couch. “Did you fuck here because I don’t want to sit where you fucked.”

I can’t tell if she’s angry at us or annoyed with something else. It almost sounds like she’s annoyed with something else. Either way, I don’t respond to her question because we were, in fact, fucking right where she’s sitting.

She seems to pick up on this and rolls her eyes before moving to the recliner on the other side of the trailer. “I need your help.”

My brows wrinkle. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s a security thing. You think Ox can fit me into the schedule?” She laughs under her breath. “Not the fucking schedule, but the one where he does his job?”

I drag in a deep breath and Ox lowers down next to me, resting his hand on my knee. I’ll never get sick of this, though I’m wondering if I should brush him away before Siren notices.

Too late.

I guess it doesn’t matter. She already knows we’re having sex.

“Are you guys fucking or are you a thing? I’m confused.” She brushes her red hair back away from her vision.

“Your problem first,” I say, my stomach churning.

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Whatever. I need a date to Mom’s wedding.”

Ox stares toward her blankly. “I don’t run a dating website. It’s a security service.”

“Well, I’m going to need security if I don’t have a date to this wedding.”

He shakes his head. “Not happening. That’s not what we do.”

“Why?” I ask. “Why do you need a date so bad? I thought you were happily single, living your life, doing your thing?”

“That was until Mom invited fucking Josh to the wedding.”

“Josh… Josh? Ex-boyfriend Josh? Why?”