Page 18 of Untouchable

Siren shrugs. “She’s best friends with his mom and he happens to be in town that week. Apparently, he’s excited to see me,” she rolls her eyes, “which only means he’s successful and wants to rub it in my face. I can’t go to this thing alone.” She glances toward Ox. “I’d ask you how much, but I think the fact that you’re boning my sister might be payment enough.”

I glance toward Ox. It does seem like a fair price to pay, but it’s his business, not mine.

He shakes his head and stands from the couch. “Sucks that you’re in this predicament, but no, I’m just getting up off the ground. I can’t make a fool of us already.”

She rolls her eyes and stares up at the man I’m falling in love with. “I need this, Ox. I don’t know anyone else in town. I’m fucking everything up at school, Mom and Dad think I’m a mess, and I need help. I can’t show up to this wedding alone.” Her tone is pleading and as her sister, I want to fix this. Though, I have to say, I’m a little shocked that she can’t find a date on her own being that she’s clearly the hottest of the two of us.

I stand and link into Ox’s big hand, staring up at him.

He draws in a heavy breath and lets it out slowly before glancing back toward Siren. “I’ll think about it and get back to you.”

She grins and leans in for a group hug. “Awesome, and I promise not to be a total bitch about you two fucking each other.” Something tells me that she’s full of it, but the immediate threat is gone so I go with the flow. She turns toward the door. “I’ll get out of here and let you two get back to… it. Sorry I interrupted.”

I roll my eyes and hug my sister goodbye. “I love you.”

“Love you too, whore.” She laughs and hops down the steps, looking back with a grin. “Had to do it. Sorry. Won’t do it again, I promise!”

When the door closes, I laugh. “Oh my God. That could’ve been so much worse. Are you really going to think about the wedding thing?”

“I don’t want to, but it seems like a good deal, assuming she holds up her end of it.”

“Who would you even ask? Do you have a team together yet?”

He nods. “Two of my brothers live here in town and the other two are coming in next week. I think we’re gonna finally do this. Ten years in the making.”

I lift my brows. “And you’re cool setting my sister up with one of your brothers?”

He laughs. “Yeah, she’ll be in good hands. If I end up agreeing to it, I’ll send her with Perry. He’s a solid guy, but he loves a good fight. The man will debate you about whether or not the sky is blue.”

“Sounds like a fun guy,” I laugh. “Can’t wait to meet him.” The truth is, I really can’t. I want to know all his brothers and I can’t wait to hear all the stories they have of him growing up.

I lean against his chest and drag in the scent of warm pine and cedar. It’s funny how things happen when you least expect them. A flat tire, a late summer rain, or even love.

“You want to stay here tonight or head back to my place?”

I look over the trailer I’ve built myself. For the longest time I loved this little place. It had everything I needed. A warm bed, a full stove, a sofa, and a back porch that could hold four-wheelers. But now, something is missing here. Something I can’t live without. Something that doesn’t quite fit.

I tip up onto my toes and stare at the giant before me. “Nah, let’s go to your place. You’re a big guy. You need room to move.”

He kisses my forehead and lifts me into his arms, carrying me out to the truck beneath the pouring rain. I’m sure I’ll be back tomorrow to gather my things, but for tonight, I don’t need anything except this big, burly Ox.



Five Years Later

Jo tips back and forth in the rocking chair with our four-year-old daughter, Maria. She’s been sick with the flu and sleeping has been nonexistent. Our three-year-old, Tyler, is still tucked away in bed. So far, he’s avoided getting sick. I hope it stays that way. That kid’s a beast when he’s not feeling well.

I rub Jo on the back of her shoulders, massaging the muscle that meets her neck. “Why don’t you let me hold her, and you go take a nap?”

She shakes her head and stays in place. “I’m okay. I dozed off a few times already. You feeling better?”

“Fever is gone this morning, so I’m on the mend. It’s probably thanks to that soup you made us. Just in time, too. I have those new contracts starting at work next week.”

“Christmas Rodeo, right?”

I nod and grin as Jo moans and rolls her neck into my touch.