Page 65 of Waiting For Fate

Yes we are. Ruby’s house after dinner with your parents.

“Mornin’ Dove.”



I wake up to the incessant sound of texts woop-ing on Leah’s phone and I’m immediately annoyed that she’s rolled out of my arms.

“Good morning to you.”

“Tell my sister and the rest of the spice girls to leave you alone so you can get your ass back where it belongs,” I groan, resting my chin on her shoulder as she locks her phone.

“And where exactly does my ass belong?” She turns her head, causing her nose to brush across mine.

“With me, of course.” I give her a quick kiss before pulling her back flush to my front, burying my face in the crook of her neck. I was worried she may have an issue with me sleeping in my boxers—seeing as how we came straight here after the NYE party I was required to be at and I had no other clothes—but from the way she’s pressing her ass against me and purring like a content kitten, I’d say she’s fine with it. She smells like vanilla, just like she always has, and it makes me want to taste every delicious inch of her.

You’re taking it SLOW, asshole. Pull back.

“You stayed,” she whispers, turning to face me. The still sleepy yet soothing tone of her voice sends a rush of excitement down my spine.

“Of course I stayed, wherever you are is where I want to be too, Dove.” When she drags her bottom lip through her teeth, I can’t help but pull it out with my thumb before leaning in to bite it myself. “What are you doing today?” I force myself to change the course of conversation before I end up doing something stupid.

“Before I answer, can I show you something?”

“Of course.” She grabs her phone from the nightstand and taps on the screen a few times before turning it towards me.

“What are we going to do about this?” she asks, a look of worry on her face that I don’t quite understand.

“What do you mean? Do you not like the photo?” I take the phone from her hands and examine it closer. It’s probably my new favorite picture because damn it looks like she’s mine.

“No, I mean, it’s magazine worthy, but I just wasn’t sure you’d be okay with it.” She shrugs, chewing on the sleeve of her sweatshirt. I lock her phone and toss it to the other end of the bed.

“I told you last night that I wanted everyone to know you were mine. I wasn’t just saying that to hear myself talk, Dove. I meant it. You’re mine now, and I want every damn one to know it.” Her cheeks turn rosy, and she smiles at me. “Okay.” I lean down and kiss her the way you should kiss your girl on a Sunday morning—sweet and lazy—like you have nowhere else in the world to be. However, when my dick thinks it’s his turn for some attention, I pull back to keep myself from even thinking about going for more.

“So…you were going to tell me what we’re doing today.” I clear my throat and wrap my arms around her, settling into the pillows behind us.

“I usually just do boring stuff until I go to dinner with my parents. Then apparently we’re having girls night at Ruby’s after that. Which should be illegal on a work night.” Even listening to her talk about her daily plans is fulfilling to me. I truly can’t wait to see how she spends all of her time.

“What’s the boring stuff?” I run my fingers carefully through a few strands of her hair.

“Laundry. Grocery shopping. Cleaning my house.” She looks up at me and rolls her eyes. “I told you—boring stuff.”

“Can I do them with you?” She rears back with the cutest frown on her face.

“You want to do my errands with me?”

“I told you; I want to be where you are. If doing the boring things means I get to spend today with you, then hell yeah, I want to run errands with you.” Her cheeks turn pink, and she smiles so brightly I wish I could freeze this moment and capture it to hold onto forever.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” She sticks her tongue out at me, giving me the inclination to do just that.

“You know what, that’s a great idea.” I grab my phone off the nightstand next to me as she begins trying to wiggle out of my arms.

“Sawyer, no! I was kidding. Don’t take a photo of me right now I look?—”

“Perfect. You always look perfect to me, Dove.” She pretends to fight me for the next few minutes while I snap god only knows how many photos, hoping I have at least one that won’t be too blurry to stare at when I miss her.

“Are you letting me spend the day with you or what?” She bites down on her bottom lip and smiles.