“I know, but there are people in my room and they might hear us.”

I kiss behind her ear and whisper, “We could move to my room.”

She moves her hands from around my neck to the sides of my face. “I’m not ready for that. I know it might seem like I’m running hot and cold. I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to do that.”

I place a kiss on the end of her nose and gently let her body down. “Phoebe, I got carried away. You make me crazy and I want you so bad. I didn’t come here to do any of this. I did come to tell you about the photographer.”

“Okay, I…” she stops and looks down the hall. Her sister and fiancé are standing there with their backs turned to us, but it’s obvious they saw us together.

“Rosie? Alex?” Phoebe calls out to them. They turn around both looking a little red in the face.

“Hi, Phoebe. Logan. We just walked into this hall, just now, to see how everything is going. We wanted to see how everything was going with the girls’ make-over.”

“Rosie was feeling left out of the make-up fun. She’s worried about being left out once she’s the old married sister.” Alex laughs as Rosie elbows him in the stomach.

Phoebe gasps. “Rosie, we would never leave you out.”

“I know. He’s being silly, although I did want to do make-up too.”

I guess we are all pretending they didn’t see Phoebe and me making out in the hallway. That’s okay, I think it would embarrass Phoebe and set me back in my wooing if they mentioned it.

Chapter Six


I can’t believe I was practically humping Logan in the hallway and my sister and future brother-in-law saw us. It’s so embarrassing, but Logan is a really good kisser and I kind of want to do it again even though I was the one who stopped us.

“Did I hear you say something about the photographer?” Alex asks.

“Yeah, Trent isn’t coming. I guess this is some sort of revenge for our breakup.” I admit to them. I hate that I’m letting them down and that Rosie is going to be upset with me.

“Are you okay, Phoebe?” Rosie asks.

“I’m okay. I’m sorry I’m messing up your wedding.” I can feel the tears building in my eyes. I don’t want to cry in front of them.

Alex scoffs.

“Messing up the wedding? This isn’t your fault. I talked to Trent last week to make sure he was following through and he told me everything was fine. I didn’t know things were bad between you or I would never have said it was okay for him to photograph the wedding no matter how famous he is. You’re my sister and I’m going to always put you first not some stupid pictures. We can take photos with our phones. It’s our memories that are important. I’ll always remember what your sister looks like this weekend with or without a photo.”

He holds out his arms to hug me. One of the best things about Alex, besides how much he adores my sister, is how he immediately became a big brother to Maggie and me. I hug him tight. “Thank you, Alex. You know you’re a very good big brother. Love you.”

“Love you too, little sister.”

I hear a growl and we all turn to see Logan looking less than pleased. I take a few steps back over to him. “What’s wrong?”

He leans over and whispers into my ear. “Didn’t like seeing another man touching you.”

I don’t know what to say to that. I’ve never had a man feel possessive over me. I would reassure Logan there’s no reason to care about Alex hugging me, but I kind of like that Logan reacted that way.

“I took care of the asshole this morning. He won’t bother her again,” Logan says, wrapping his arm around me like I’m his. “I also got another photographer coming in to take the pictures. She’s not a wedding photographer, but well-known and reputable. I have the NDA documents that were used for other employees and will have her sign them before I tell her who you guys are.”

“Logan, that’s great. Thank you for finding someone,” Rosie says. She nods her head toward my room. “Phoebe, let’s go check on Maggie and the twins.”

I know the look in my sister’s eye and as soon as we get in my room she’s going to ask a million questions about Logan and me. I don’t want her to do that in front of his sisters.

“Okay, but just make up for now. We’ll talk about the rest later,” I say as I turn to open the door.

She nods and after giving Alex a sweet good-bye kiss walks into the room to cheers from the twins.