She signs the rest of the paperwork and asks to be taken to her room before seeing the couple.
“I’ll have someone show you to your room and arrange for Rosie and Alex to meet you for a drink in thirty minutes.” I stand and make my way out of my office. “Is that okay?”
“Can’t you just show me to my room?” she whines.
“Sorry, I have to check on my sisters. They are with the Stone sisters and I want to make sure they aren’t in the way.”
I know they aren’t, but I want to see Phoebe and the twins are a good excuse.
“You’re letting those children bother famous people?” she asks, sounding disgusted.
This is why, even if I thought she was the sexiest woman on the planet, I would never want to be with Sherry. Anyone who wouldn’t embrace my sisters and know how special they are to me would never be someone I could spend time with.
“We’ve been having a lot of fun with the girls.” A voice says from behind me.
I turn with a smile on my face. “Hi, Phoebe.”
“Hi.” A blush spreads across her cheeks and I wish we were alone. “I was coming to ask you if it’s okay if the girls get dressed up and come to the rehearsal tonight. They look so pretty and Rosie wants them there.”
I feel myself getting choked up. “If it’s what the bride wants, then of course they can.”
“Will you come too?” she asks quietly.
“Does Rosie want me there?” I step closer to her and clasp her hand in mine.
“No— I mean, she does —but I’m the one asking. I want you there with me.”
“Then I’ll be there.” I’m about the lean over and kiss her when there is a rude cough from my office door. Shit, I forgot completely about Sherry.
From the look of surprise on Phoebe’s face she had too. She mouths the word sorry, but the sparkle in her eye doesn’t look contrite at all.
“I thought this was a small gathering. Will I have to avoid taking pictures of certain people since you don’t know them? Your sister won’t want strangers in the photos.”
“Um, you’re the photographer?” Phoebe asks.
“Obviously.” Sherry rolls her eyes. “Logan called me because whoever was supposed to be here canceled. We’re really good friends. He knows I would do anything for him.”
Phoebe looks at me with questions in her eyes. I know how Sherry is making it sound, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.
“We knew each other in high school. Sherry is a good photographer and the only one I know. I wanted to solve the problem for you. I hated seeing you sad.”
“Thank you, Logan.” She turns to Sherry, squaring her shoulders. “As far as we are concerned, and yes, I speak for my sister, every photo can have June and Ruby in them. Those little girls are so full of sparkles and fun. They would improve any photograph.”
She turns to go back to her room without a backward glance. I want to run after her, but I still need to make sure Sherry gets taken to her room and set up her meeting with Rosie and Alex.
Soon, I’m going to get Phoebe alone and make her realize how much she means to me and how every little thing she does makes me love her more and more.
Chapter Eight
I slam my bedroom door and everyone’s eyes turn to me. Damn, I forgot my room was still full of people. I really need a few minutes to myself.
“What’s wrong?” June asks, coming over to hug me.
“Nothing, sweets.” I smile down at her and run my fingers through her hair.
How can I feel so strongly about her and her sister after one day? I want to be with them every day and watch them grow into the amazing women I know they are going to be.