She brought upLya’s name and sent her an I am okay message.

Once that wasdone, she turned her phone off to save the battery.

“You aren’twaiting for a reply? Who is Lya to you?”


“Does she havea mate? I know a few people and love matchmaking.”

“She’scomplicated and a single parent.”

“Ah. Whathappened to her mate?”

“I am notgetting into it.”

The littlefluttering phoenix dove at her head, and she screamed. Kaiyunstiffened. “I am sorry for the intrusion. I am not used to peopleconcealing things from me.”

She pressed herhead where the fire had darted in. “Ow.”

“Your cousin isvery strong.”

“Yeah, I know.‘scuse me, I have to find the bathroom so I can barf.” She pushedaway from him, and he got out of bed with her, guiding her to thebathroom and holding her hair back. There was no food to come up,so it was just bile.

She slumped tothe side, and he wet a washcloth and wiped her face.

“I knew youwere ill, but how long has this been going on?”

“It started onthe airplane home. It has been pretty consistent since. I havefound a few ways to get food into me that can pass before I startthrowing up again.”

“What set youoff?”

“The littlememory-stealing flame you ran through my head. It swung through alot of trauma on the way, and since I am a little unbalanced rightnow, this is the result. Sorry that it lacks refinement ordignity.”

“What have youbeen eating?”

“Fruit. Lots offruit. Lots of vegetables. Lots of green juice in small sips.”

He nodded.“They are all manageable.”

“Oh, good. Ihaven’t had anything to eat since noon yesterday. Well, nothingthat stayed down.”

He wiped thetears of frustration that were coming from her eyes.

“Come on,Zelle. Let’s order you some food.”


“Juice.” Hehelped her up and held her.

She pressed akiss to his chest and looked down at his naked self. “Oh.”

“Since consentis important, I kept myself comfortable while making sure you werecomfortable. The fit of the gown was a guess, but waking up to mewith you naked would have been a bit of a jolt.”

She kept herhands curled on his chest. “That is one way to say it.”

He smiled andran his hands down her back. “You are not what I imagined, but now,you are all I can think about.”

Zelle duckedher head. “Right. You have been on my mind as well.”