The guardsmoved with them with practised motions, clearing the floor, openingthe penthouse, and holding the door for them.
Zelle reallywanted to stare and rifle through the mini bar, but exhaustion wastaking her over. “I am very sorry, but I am going to sleep now.Snoring may occur.”
He stroked hercheek. “Sleep all you like. I will be here when you wake.”
She rubbed hercheek against his hand and murmured, “I am very sorry for theinconvenience.”
“It is noinconvenience. I was told that my mate may occur in this city, butI never imagined she would be so lovely and strong.”
“I don’t feeleither right now.” She let herself relax and was out.
Zelle remembered a kissand fingers combing through her hair. The bedding smelled crisp andfelt nice against her fingers. She moved, and her body slid on thesheets. A quick glance under the covers showed that she was wearinga dark purple nightgown. The arm around her waist was new as well.She turned her head, and there he was. His gorgeous eyes opened,and he pulled her toward him, settling them into spoons.
Zelle sighedand put her arm over his around her waist. That was when sherealized his hand was splayed on her belly. So, he obviously knewwhy she needed him.
He let out ahappy growl and pulled her in. He was pressed against her tightly.“Do you know what it means to have started a child with you?”
“No. I amguessing that you have been looking forward to it.”
“Since I was achild I was told that one day an omega would be found for me thatmy beast would embrace as its own. I have been watching for a whileand, finally, all of the activity here where exotics have beenfinding betas who transform into omegas.”
“Sort of. Partsof us do.”
His hand slidbetween her thighs. “Yes, parts of you do.”
She gasped andwove her fingers through his over her sex. She got herself undercontrol and then said, “Well, I am not a proper omega. I am tootall, too muscled, and far too easily irritated.”
“No, you arenot a classic one, but you are the one for me. My beast has beencalling for you since that day at the airport.”
“I am sorry Idistressed it.”
“You are herenow; all is forgiven.” He nuzzled her neck and bit down hard.
She squeaked insurprise. “What?”
He released herand licked at her neck. “You aren’t going to be running aroundwithout being properly marked.”
Humming ranthrough her bloodstream, and she heard a whisper in her thoughts.“Oh. So, that’s what you are.”
He chuckled andblew fire across her neck. “He needed contact with you.”
“I see. Well,it explains the level of side effects I have been having. I haveheard of the creature, of course, but have only met dragons before,never a phoenix.”
“We have onlyheard of one other.”
“I see. Heardof, not met?”
“We are notvery social.” He nuzzled her cheek and exhaled some fire thatformed a phoenix and that flew around the room.
“Aren’t youworried about catching the hotel room on fire?”
“It isn’t thattype of flame.”
The littlecreature flew around and around the room, and that was when sherealized that it was night. “Oh, shoot. Where is my phone? I haveto tell someone that I am okay?”
The tinyphoenix grabbed her phone and flew it over to her hand. “Okay,that’s handy.”