Tamaraswallowed. “They have been calling you. I told them you were inhospital, and they said they were on their way.”

Venka nodded.“They should arrive soon.”

Lya groaned.“As long as it isn’t... hey, Ford.”


Ford came in with afrown of concern. “Tonlya, what happened? You look horrible.”

Tonlya lookedat the dark blue omega with trepidation. “Thanks. You look darkblue.”

Ford glancedaround the room and was surprised when he saw a familiar face.“Venka?”

“Hello, Ford.You are looking prosperous. Are your alphas here?”

“Two arewaiting outside. I needed to talk to Tonlya.”

“So, talk. I amcoming off heavy sedation, so what do you need?”

“Um, we needyou for the viewing of the program. The marathon starts Friday, andwe want you there.”

“Uh, I don’tknow about that.” She looked to Nohehl and then Venka. Both of heralphas looked pleased.

Ford watchedher gaze. “No way. You are an omega?”

“Not a properone, but yeah.”

“Well, yourcontract does still require a public appearance if you are able tomanage it for the program.”

“I am going tolook like hammered shit.”

“We have makeupartists.”

“My clotheshang off me.”

“Ambrose willmake something up for you. Just name the style.”

“Hooded tunicover a long skirt.”

Ford countered.“Short skirt?”

“Fine. But youhave to supply the heels.”



Ford grimaced.“I don’t know what possessed me to run two of these in the sameyear.”

“Major lack ofjudgment on your part.”

“Well, we willsend a car for you.”

Nohehl shookhis head. “We will drive her. She’s not to be out of our sightuntil things are cemented between us. And even then, if there is achance an Elite will be in the vicinity, we will be with her.”

Ford looked herway. Lya lifted her arm and showed her cast. “I bring out the worstin those pointy-eared bastards. Tell them that they hit like girls,and they try to prove you wrong.”

Ford lookedstunned. “You are a psycho.”