“No, I justhave already had dishonour, so courting death wasn’t scary.” Shepaused, “Oh, geez. Where is my head? Ford, this is one of myalphas, Nohehl. You already seem to know Venka, and the charmingyoung lady next to her is my sis—”

“Daughter. I amher daughter, Tamara.”

Ford blinked.“Daughter? She’s twenty-eight, and you look like you are in yourteens.”

“I am twelveand a half.”

Ford lookedback at Lya. “So, you...”

“Got pregnantin my teens. Yes.”

Tamara satstraight. “I talked with Venka, and there is no shame to me or mymom, so I am not pretending to be her sister anymore.”

“Well, I ameven gladder that we set you up with a bonded babysitter duringfilming.”

“So am I.”Tamara smiled.

Ford looked atLya. “So, you are good?”

“I am fairlygood. Better than I was this morning, and now I hope I can continueon that trend.”

Nohehl held thestraw back to her lips.

Venka smiled.“We have a regimen of pampering planned, and Noh is going to workfrom home and give her access to the snakes until she feelsbetter.”

Ford blinked.“Snakes?”

Tamara nodded.“She likes snakes. She had to sell hers to pay bills after she wasinjured.”

Noh smiled. “Ipurchased them. Well, my delta purchased them, but they are at myhome. Well, our home now. We just haven’t gotten there yet.”

Lya smiled. “Ican’t lift them right now, but getting into shape for snakehandling is a goal.”

Ford smirked.“Too bad you don’t snake dance.”


“It would benice for the show.”

“Oh, definitelynot. I only do that for my own enjoyment.” She shrugged. “And ittakes far more strength and stamina than just lifting the snakesdoes.”

Ford lookedembarrassed. “Right. Sorry. It was just an idea.”

Noh smiled. “Ifshe ever feels like it, I will contact you so you can bring thefamily to watch.”

Lya smiled.“Keeping it family-friendly is harder.”

Ford laughed.“Right. I will send you details as to where and when. We arekeeping everything quiet to avoid paparazzi swarming us. The lastone was intense.”

“What aboutfamily? Can we bring family?”

Ford blinked.“Do you only have three?”

Noh said,“Four.”

“That’s fine. Iwill set your section, and they can cheer you on.”

Noh nodded. “Wewill attempt to improve her condition before the filming, if justfor her own peace of mind for looking back on the day.”