He held her forlong minutes, then lifted her against him, and walked her into thebedroom. A robe was on a bench, and he held it up for her to slideher arms into.
Once he hadwrapped her up, he kissed her cheek and went to his phone. Heopened an app and handed it to her. “Order what you like.”
She nodded andwent straight to the smoothie place. She made her selection andhanded it back to him.
He frowned.“That’s it?”
“If I can keepit down, we can order something else. I can wait half an hour foranother delivery.” She twisted her lips. “If I can’t keep thingsdown, the scent of other food will make things worse.”
She watched ashe placed the order, and then she looked around, finding the door.“I am just going to go and look at the living area. I was prettysure I saw it when you carried me in.”
“Hotel roomsare the same the world over.”
“I don’t thinkI have ever spent time in one.” She shrugged and walked to thedoor, opening it to expose an enormous space with couches,televisions, and a piano. “Yikes.”
Kaiyun wasbehind her, and a dark robe was wrapped around him.
She walked overto the couch and turned the television on, checking the time andsoothing her scattered mind.
He moved nextto her and pulled her onto his lap. “Since we have thirty minutesto kill, I thought we could spend it getting betteracquainted.”
She looked athim, exhausted. “Okay?”
He steered herchin up carefully and kissed her. The taste of him caused her bodyto heat, and she was squirming in his arms a moment later.
He lifted hishead. “A simple kiss?”
“Shut up. May Imaul you?”
“Please. I amat your disposal, dear mate.”
She turned andstraddled him, moving her hand into the opening of his robe andpushing the fabric aside. She pulled her robe and gown up, movinguntil he was just barely inside her. Zelle panted and looked up tomeet his gaze as she flexed her hips and sank until he wasswallowed inside her.
He closed hiseyes, and there was a smile as he gripped her hips. “Zelle, are yousure?”
She startedmoving on him. “Gee, I dunno. I am conflicted. You don’t have toparticipate if you don’t want to.”
He opened hiseyes wide. “You think I am hesitant?”
She met hisgaze and continued rocking on him, hoping that if he came, shewould get what her body needed. She moved on him and leaned forwardto bite his neck while she stroked her hands across his chest. Heshuddered, and his hips jerked upward as heat spilled into her.
She drew herbreath in as his knot held him inside her. Zelle shuddered andwaited.
She mumbled,“Yes?”
“Did youbasically use your body to jerk me off?”
She winced asshe heard irritation in her tone. “Yes? The club said I would feelbetter if I convinced my body that you were nearby.”
He threaded ahand in her hair and tilted her head back. “You didn’t enjoyit?”
“That wasn’tthe purpose. The purpose was to reassure my body that you were hereand I wasn’t rejected.” She swallowed and met his gaze.
He narrowed hisgaze. “It is early days.”