“I don’t thinkshe would be that careless, but if it happened after she started atthe club, perhaps.” Brexel looked upward and sighed. “Whatnow?”
“Now? You takecare of her. You let the boys know that she came hurt and is justhanging out for a while until she feels better. When she’s healed,let her go.”
Brexel felt hismind riot at the thought. She was back under his roof. He wasalready planning to return one of the bedrooms to its current statewhen she had lived there. Her scent was calming, the boys lovedher, and she had cried. She never cried.
Oren laughed.“Your face.”
“I said youshould let her go, and a literal thundercloud appeared over yourhead. I haven’t seen a slip like that since we were young.”
Brexel scowledand looked up. There it was. Dark energy swirling angrily. Hefocused and dispersed it. “She completes the house.”
“What? Am Ichopped liver?” Oren sipped his coffee.
“You are in thepurple room You don’t make this house a home just by breathing init.”
Oren cocked hishead. “Really? You have fallen for that little beta?”
Brexel glaredat him. “She fits in here. We work better with her around. I workbetter with her around. Even my office thinks so.”
“So, you havebeen a miserable asshole for the last four years? I didn’t notice achange.”
“Shut up.”
Oren smirkedand flicked his fingers to get the plates and cups dancing into thedishwasher.
Oren clearedhis throat. “Did you notice a peculiarity in your little beta?”
“Her ears arepointed. That isn’t a standard adaptation in a female Elite. Thatis something restricted to elfborn.” He looked serious again.
Brexel felt adawning horror. “Elfborn? No. The Elite haven’t had a female childin the Stronghold in the last three decades. She has a mother andfather and younger siblings.”
“What if shewas never in the Stronghold? You know those assholes don’t take nofor an answer.” Oren chuckled. “You know I love a mystery.”
Brexel leanedback. “You suddenly changed to interested.”
Oren shrugged.“A little. The way she handles the dogs is very impressive.”
“She trainedthem. No loud words or raised hands. She just told them what sheneeded, and they did it.”
“Did she trainyou as well?”
Brexel pausedand then said, “Yes.”
“I thought itwas taking over your nephews that altered your attitude.”
“That was acontributing factor, but she taught me how to be a parent.”
Oren looked athim and then glanced upward. “You talked to Ymer?”
“What does hethink of her?”
“She alwaysknows what he needs, and he believes she walks on water. I amfairly sure that if I let him know about the extent of her change,he would be at the door right now.”