He heard softshuffling and could see Juno on the bed against Iris’s side. Irisreached out in her sleep and put her arm over the dog’sshoulder.

Jupiter pushedpast him and hopped up onto the bed, his paw over Iris’s legs. Shewasn’t going anywhere.

Brexel headeddown to his kitchen, where Oren was cleaning. “She’s one ofthose betas.”

Oren paused.“Which ones?”

“The ones thatmatch with our kind.”


“I know.”Brexel grunted. “Perhaps we should help her find properpartners.”

Oren sighed. “Iam guessing that is the option we have, but at least you know whois hunting her.”

“What? Oh, theStronghold. Yeah, that would explain it, but she could also beattracting collectors.”

Oren wiped hishands. “You think?”

Brexel snortedand ran his hands through his hair as he got himself back to hishuman appearance. “She didn’t mention my face.”

Oren smiled.“Oh, you finally noticed. Did you slip up while she was working foryou?”

“No. With theboys around, I was very careful.” Brexel frowned. “They didn’t findout until two years ago. They are looking forward to their ownchanges.”

“So, your matehas purple hair?”

“No, and sheisn’t my mate. She has white hair and purple eyes. She wearscontact and dyes her hair. She’s also not working in research.”

“How do youknow that?”

“I checked herphone.”

“Of course youdid. How did you get in?”

“She hasn’tchanged her pass code. It’s the same one it was years ago.”

Oren nodded.“You are sure she’s an Elite female?”

“Yes. Iam.”

“Why don’t youconsider a courtship?”

Brexel frowned.“She was my nephew’s nanny.”

“And now sheisn’t.”

Brexel openedand closed his mouth. “It’s complicated.”

“Did you kissher?”

Brexel felt hisskin heat. “What?”

“When she left,did you kiss her? The last time you saw her.”

“Yes. It wasn’tserious. The boys kissed her, too. And there was crying. Do youthink that could do it?”

Oren shrugged.“She wasn’t an Elite before that moment, you know that for certain,and you didn’t see her afterward. Her transformation occurred dueto contact. Do you think she ran into an Elite, and they triggeredher?”