Ileana nods. “She’s supermodel standard. Perhaps if you don’t want to pay?—”
“Fifteen it is,” he says simply. “Get your man to write up the contract.”
I glare at Gaston, my eyes searing into him. “I’m not a fucking lawyer,” I reply.
He knows that, but he always tries to wind me up. Ever since he learned how strained the relationship is between Ileana and me the first time he visited, it’s been the same.
Ileana clears her throat, trying to ease the tension. “My lawyer will be here shortly to sort it out.”
Gaston nods and leans forward, helping himself to the food on the table. “Perfect.” He leans back and takes a sip of his wine. “Now that business is out of the way, how have you been, Ileana?”
I clench my fists beneath the table, waiting for her response.
“Not the best.” Her eyes narrow. “Have you heard about the Estrada cartel trying to secure Mexico City?”
Gaston sits up, tension coiling through his muscles. “No,” he says, but I sense it’s a lie from the tone of his voice. He knows about it.
“Don’t lie to me, Gaston.” Ileana knows it’s a lie, too.
Gaston is influential in Mexico City. He’s one of the richest men in Mexico, if not the richest. “I may have heard some rumors, but nothing more.”
“Tell me everything you’ve heard,” Ileana demands.
He sips his scotch. “Just that he’s making waves and buying up real estate in the city.”
I didn’t want Gaston to confirm anything, but this information will further cement the idea in Ileana’s mind.
“So, he’s trying to gain control?” Ileana murmurs, pulling out her phone and typing something furiously.
Gaston watches her. “I wouldn’t worry too much, Ileana. No one has controlled Mexico City for centuries.” He shakes his head. “I doubt Pablo Estrada will change that.”
He just might. I’ve got a meeting with him in a few days. It’s a risk, allowing him to see my face, but one I must take. If I remove Ileana from her throne, I need powerful backing. As the Navarro Cartel will be easy pickings. I’ll be the one to take it, but I expect a fight on my hands.
I may be the only one with the Navarro name since Ileana gave it to me when I was eight, but I’m not a Navarro, not by blood. And blood is what speaks around here. Ileana has no blood relatives left. She either killed them, or they died of old age.
Time is of the essence, especially since Ileana is being unpredictable. Asking Gaston here a few days into the girl’s training makes no sense. And yet here we are, agreeing a deal for one of Alice’s friends. If Gaston had wanted Alice, I know that I would have burned the entire place to the ground to get her out and probably would have died in the process.
She’s a dangerous distraction that I didn’t need. And I can only hope she won’t be my undoing rather than my salvation.
“What are we going to do?” Blake asks, pacing the floor. “That fucking bastard is going to buy me!”
I’m so angry at Taren. He said he’d get all of us out before his boss tried to sell us. Yet here we are with Blake about to be sold to a ridiculously handsome yet cold and creepy man. God knows what his story is. Or what he’ll do to her.
All I know is Blake will face a life of slavery if we don’t stop this. And the look Taren gave me suggests he can’t stop it. It’s out of his hands.
“Let’s try the vent again,” Luna suggests, staring up at the air vent, which they secured tighter since I tried to climb out of it.
I shake my head. “We’ve got no chance of getting out of there. It was too tight once I actually stuck my head in. We’d probably all get stuck.”
Kali paces back and forth. Out of the three of us, she’s been struggling the most with this entire situation from the start. And the longer we’re here, the deeper her cracks are getting. She spins around. “We can’t just let him take her. We have to fight this!”
I clench my jaw. “If we fight, all four of us will end up dead or worse. Fighting these people will only make our situation unbearable.”
Kali shakes her head. “So, what’s the option? Let that guy take her?”