Page 48 of Unhinged

Luna walks up to Kali and grabs her hand, squeezing. “This is about survival now.” She glances at Blake. “And Blake is strong.”

Blake nods. “I’ll try my best to escape and rescue you guys.”

“We make a pact right now. Whoever gets out first comes to rescue the others, okay?” Luna suggests.

We all nod and place our hands in a circle together.

A palpable sense of determination ripples through the room as our hands stack together. A fire blazes in their eyes, matching the heat of the pact we’ve just made. “We’re in this together, to the bitter end,” Kali says through clenched teeth. “We survive, we escape, we come back for the others. Remember, we’re stronger than they think we are.”

I’m glad to see she’s back to her fighting self. The initial shock of our situation broke her spirit, but not for long. She’s tougher than that.

The room falls eerily silent after her declaration. We know the road ahead won’t be easy, but we stand a chance together. The bond we’ve formed in this wretched place is our greatest weapon. And with a resilience born out of desperation, we steel ourselves for future battles.

It feels like we’re waiting in silence for an age until we hear the telltale signs of a door creaking in the distance, followed by footsteps. After a while, Matias, the crazy one, appears, smirking at us.

“Looks like Gaston has a liking for blondes. Blake has been purchased, so I’m going to get her ready.”

Matias strides forward, his cold, predatory gaze locked on Blake. The room fills with a palpable tension that feels like a physical force.

I can’t stand here and do nothing. “Not so fast, creep!” I lunge at Matias, which is stupid, but I’m running on adrenaline.

Matias doesn’t blink an eye as he gives me a swift backhand, sending me sprawling across the floor. I groan in pain as I fall funny, and my face stings. The impact will leave a bruise.

“Don’t try anything else,” he warns.

Kali follows suit and punches him in the stomach when he’s distracted, and then Luna kicks him in the shin. Both of them are crazy. But Matias merely growls at Luna and doesn’t raise a hand to her before turning and grabbing Kali, pushing her against the wall. Horror floods me as I realize his intention. He yanks her dress up to her hips, revealing her torn panties.

He whispers something into her ear. I see her body stiffen, the color draining from her face.

Suddenly, there’s a change in the atmosphere, a shift so profound that it’s almost tangible. I can’t process what’s happening. It’s like time slows down, and for a moment, everything is silent. Then it hits me. Rage, pure, unadulterated rage. My blood is boiling with a fury I didn’t know I had. “Get off her, you sick bastard!” I scream, throwing myself at Matias with renewed energy.

He simply laughs, a grotesque sound echoing in the room. But he doesn’t move away from Kali. This isn’t just about power for him. It’s about control. Control over us. This is a game, and we’re his playthings.

What I can’t work out is why Luna got off so easily. But perhaps that’s because Matias’ brother, Thiago, has a weakness for her. They’re both sick in the head. Suddenly, I hear someone clearing their throat behind me and turn to see Taren standing there.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Matias?”

Matias, looking startled, turns his head to face Taren. His eyes narrow and the smirk drops as he releases Kali. She slumps against the wall, gasping for breath.

An eerie silence settles in the room; you could cut the tension with a knife. “I was asked to retrieve the girl, Taren,” Matias growls, his eyes glinting dangerously. “Which means I’ll do it however I see fit. It’s none of your business.”

Taren steps forward, his face a mask of controlled rage. “It became my business when you laid your hands on them,” he retorts in an icy cold voice.

The man who wants to buy Blake steps into the cell. “And I don’t like how you treat the assets I’m paying for.”

Matias growls. “You’re only buying one, and I didn’t touch her.”

The man stands tall, striding toward Matias. “Maybe not on this occasion, but if you treat the girls this way once. You’ll do it all the time.” He runs a hand through his dark brown hair. “Perhaps I’ll cancel my sale and tell Ileana I don’t like how her men treat the assets I’m paying top dollar for.”

Matias backs off, eyes narrowing. “I apologize. It won’t happen again.”

The man walks toward Matias, his pale blue eyes assessing him. There’s a lethal edge to the man dressed in a sharp suit with no hair out of place. I dread to think of what he’ll do with Blake once he gets her alone. A shiver races down my spine. Once he’s directly in front of Matias, he grabs him by the throat. “Perhaps I should murder you right here and now. I’m not a fool. You’ve put your hands on my asset more than once since she arrived here, haven’t you?”

Matias struggles to draw in air, his dark eyes bulging as he grabs the man’s wrists.

Taren clears his throat. “Gaston, please release my man.” His voice is calm, but I see a hint of concern in his eyes.

Gaston, the man who is buying Blake, must be dangerous.