I call up Lily soon after I reach home. I need to vent out my frustration.
“So, how did your meeting with Ryan go?” she asks as soon as she picks up. “Did you give him the anti-emetic?”
“Didn’t get a chance. His Highness had to leave at the exact time of our meeting.”
“Really? You think he really had some work? Maybe he’s just avoiding you.”
I nod, then realize that she can’t see me. “Yeah. What’s worse is that his behavior seems decent with others. So it’s not like he is incapable of behaving nicely. The incapability comes forth only with me. It’s like a total repeat of grad school.”
“Aw, baby. I hope he rots in a sewer and his house sinks in snow leaving him cold as hell. I hope someone punches him in the gut or makes him swallow slugs.”
I smile. Lily comes up with such ridiculous punishments for people. I wonder if people in Hell would recruit someone like her to hand out retributions. I just love her so much.
“Can’t even wish for that” I say. “He has a cute little daughter in pigtails. She can even code.”
“What! The hateful man found someone ready to marry him! Who’s the poor woman? My heart goes out to her. Unless, of course, she’s as insufferable as him. Maybe his daughter is too.”
“Um. The daughter at least looks kinda cute.” I feel a tinge of jealousy and immediately I’m astounded by the thought. Why should I feel jealous? Let him live whatever type of life he wants. I blabber to Lily about Weber’s call with MooreGames team to change the topic. She’s as astonished as I am.
“That’s weird. He rarely goes over the associates,” she says.
“Speaking of associates, how’s Neil? I hope he’s careful not to choke on his aspirations,” I ask, chuckling and making my voice a little mechanical like Darth Vader. But the Star Wars reference goes flat on Lily. She’s not a fan.
“He had a long meeting with Weber earlier today, is what I heard. The deal he’s looking at just got sweeter. They’ve signed up a new business client, someone big.”
“Shit. And here they can’t even get a game right,” I snarl. “Nothing could be worse.”
“What?” I ask. “Is there more bad news?”
“Um, yeah,” Lily replies. “It’s Priscilla.”
I close my eyes and headdesk. “What’s up with my ex’s flame?”
“The flame could be setting your career on fire,” Lily replies. “News on the grapevine is that she’s a strong contender for partner. She has meetings with some of the senior partners scheduled for this week.”
“Why? How? She has done nothing path-breaking since she joined. I don’t know how she even made it VP and now partner? It’s impossible.” I’m almost shrieking in disbelief. This is unheard of. If she becomes Partner, she’d never support me. I might as well look out for other options.
“Yeah. You probably didn’t know that her brother is marrying Emily Stratham, Stephen Stratham’s daughter.”
“The billionaire?”
“So what? Is she buying her partner position?”
“Kinda. There are rumors that Stephen Stratham is looking at investing in startups.”
I let out a sigh as I recline on the couch. “Then why am I even putting up with Ryan’s shit? Maybe I should just call it quits. Priscilla will be promoted. Neil will become VP, and I’ll be out of the door.”
“You know that’s not the only outcome, right?” Lily’s voice comes louder. She’s probably pacing her room. She does that when talking about something serious. I groan in reply. I’m too flustered to think clearly.
“More funds means more work. They might not fire anyone. Maybe they even promote two people to VP. I think everyone knows that Priscilla, whatever title you give her, won’t really be working equivalent to others. So, they’ll need a competent VP to replace Hayden.”
Well, it makes sense. Then why am I feeling even worse? Was I actually relieved when I thought of quitting? Shit. Is Ryan making me a quitter?
“Hey, what’re you thinking?” Lily’s voice comes from the other end.