In this case, that was what a mate was for. He could show her what she needed to do and take her where she needed to go. Carler took the lead, and they flew high above the ground. They flew so far that they hit the coast to fly low and hit the waves. It was exhilarating, and had they been hungry, they could have grabbed a mouthful of fish while they were at it. Their big breakfasts sustained them, so they just continued to fly. They'd been gone long enough and needed to return to their transport to go home. Business waited for him and if she felt well enough for her as well. Her dragon would help her accept him and calm her spirit just enough that she might behave.
He hoped their relationship could move forward because he had missed the intimacy that had just developed between them. They made it back to the transport and headed back to the casino. Viv was quiet, and he was sure she was trying to work things out and her dragon was helping. Doran might be waiting for him when he gets back. If he'd not jumped the gun and already left.
He would introduce himself and Viv and tell her what was happening if he was still there. He didn't want her mad at him again, and if she found out about Doran before he told her, he knew she would be mad. The drive back was quiet, and he didn't interfere with her thought process. Carler only hoped that she was thinking about continuing their relationship. He wasn't sure how he would deal with that if she wasn't, but he wouldn't let her go.
Viv knew little about dragons, but maybe her dragon had been telling her. If she had, she knew he wouldn't let her go, but she couldn't. She wouldn't do well without him either. That was the thing about mates. They always belonged together. That was why sometimes if one died, the other would follow. Fated mates needed each other, and the only time they could go on without each other was when children or other people needed to be considered. They would overcome the desire to leave this world and cling to life if the need was great enough.
Another reason might be a position that they needed to continue with. That would be like an Emperor or King. He had even heard of an assassin who continued after losing their fated mate because the King asked him to. He couldn't imagine how hard that had been for that male. His reason for living was no longer with him, but he had to go on because of his loyalty to his King.
Their destination was right in front of them now, so they pulled up and left the transport out front. He wasn't concerned because someone would move it where it needed to go. He went around to the other side and helped Viv out. They went straight to their office, but Doran was not there, and he wasn't sure why. That was all right because they needed to talk anyway.
“I wanted to catch you up on anything that might be happening that you were unaware of.”
“What exactly is that?” Viv asked.
“Doran is going to the US and hopes to meet with Delilah.”
“Has he contacted her yet?”
“No, we hoped you would help with that," Carler suggested.
“He's not some crazy serial killer, is he?”
“No, he does what he does as part of his job.”
“He's good at his job?”
“He's the best.”
“Delilah doesn't have a partner yet. I don't understand it because she should. The job is dangerous, and you need somebody to cover your back. If she helps him, he'll need to be the one to do it.” Viv explained.
“Doran is trustworthy, but he finds it hard to trust others. He will protect her with his life while expecting nothing in return. We want him to take Joe out, and we don't care what happens to him as long as he doesn't bother us anymore. The issue is that your people don't want Old Joe caught, and we don't know why. Will she get in trouble for this?”
“Maybe. It depends on who the one is that does not want Joe brought in. I can't imagine any good excuse for not going after him, yet they haven't been. She may want to be an informer and not go after him physically. She can give him information without anyone knowing it.”
“I understand what you mean, and I am sure he will be happy with whatever assistance he can get. He's the best our world offers for hunting and catching criminals. While representing our country, he will be considered part of the criminal task force. We have not yet had time to develop something like your crime organizations.”
“I'm not sure that the agency will acknowledge anything you have anyway," Viv observed.
“Is our country so new that we don't have a treaty with the US yet?”
“Yes, and they probably have other reasons too. One would be your importance as far as the world is concerned.”
“They do not consider as important?” Carler asked.
“No, this country is not yet developed and has not taken part on the political front.”
“That will soon change.”
“Maybe, but until it does, you will not count as a major player," Viv explained.
“I see Doran headed our way.”
A large window was looking out into the hall, of all places. She wasn't sure why it was there but suspected that it was there so the supervisors could watch the employees and see what they were doing. Doran knocked on the door, and Carler yelled for him to enter.
“I am glad to see you made it back. Did everything go well?” Doran asked.
“It did. How has your day gone so far?”