“I'm ready to get to work. Is there anyone that can help me get information on Old Joe?”
“There is one person we should contact, and they would be good for information, but I am not sure they will be able to assist in any other way. The lady who took Viv’s job should have a great deal of information on Joe. She wants to go after him, but her bosses slow her down. It's so bad that I suspect they are on his side. Maybe they had an agreement with him once and were afraid it would come out. Her name is Delilah. Viv has mentioned her, but only by first name. I know that she called her from the office so we could get her phone number. The other option is tomorrow afternoon. I can ask Viv to contact her and schedule a meeting between you two.”
“She might be able to help. Do you think she can help enough that it will be worth it for me to slow down and wait for her?” Doran asked.
“You don't need to. She is in the US, where you will be going. It is the most likely place for him to be. Delilah is in Los Angeles. I don't believe that's where he is because he'll be closer to Las Vegas. You can still meet with her once we get a hold of her.”
It was the next morning, and he was going to see his mate. He'd be a little early and wondered if she'd eaten breakfast yet. A little sustenance wouldn't hurt him. Maybe she would have some leftovers. The guest bedroom of his suite was where he had been sleeping while she had been ill. This morning, he had gone to do some work since the rest of the day would probably be a loss in that respect. Entering the apartment, he headed toward her room. Viv was sitting up and eating from a large tray that looked like enough food for three dragon shifters.
Amy had clearly misunderstood how much food his mate needed. That was all right because that would leave plenty for him. A large dragon shifter would have difficulty eating half of the food on that tray. Viv would have trouble eating the third of it. It still looked like she was going to try it, and so was he. There were two omelets, and both looked like meat eaters. Super omelets were made in the cafeteria.
“I see you took my advice on eating a large breakfast. Looks like you went overboard a little bit, and I'll be happy to help you," Carler offered.
He reached out and grabbed the plate with one of the omelets since she was eating the other. This was a good omelet, and it really hit the spot. There was little doubt that he would need the energy to work with his mate when she changed. He might also need to force her to change back if she ran into trouble. That would not be difficult, but it would take enormous energy. Carler grabbed a couple of the pieces of toast on the edge of the tray to go with his omelet. The food that he had acquired was already making him feel much better.
First thing in the morning, he had already had a cup of coffee and a large OJ. It was good since she didn't have much extra to drink on her tray. That made sense since she was eating for energy. Other than her regular drinks, she had a picture of water. It would help the food go down.
She wasn't dressed yet, so as soon as she was through eating, she would have to dress in casual clothing because they were going into the desert. That place was the most private area nearby. Most people avoided it because it was hot and dry, and dangerous predators were running loose. There were signs to let them know that, so they would not go past certain points. Even where the signs were, danger could lurk.
Viv finished with her food and rubbed her belly. “That was good. I'd better go get dressed now.” She got up and hurried out of the room. Where was she going?
It seemed she had the key to her room, so she went to get dressed and then came back. “Are you ready?” she asked.
“I am. We need to go down to the lobby, and a transport is waiting for us.” He escorted her to the elevator, where they went down to the lobby level and exited.
The transport was their usual type, much nicer than anything she had ever seen. Not that she hadn't seen one of these before. They'd picked her up once or twice and dropped her off at the casino. This time, they were taking it out, and what she suspected was at least a one-hour trip.
“I rarely get to ride in one of these.”
“Once we take care of Old Joe, you'll be doing more work around here, and you'll get to ride in one more often," he explained.
“How far are we going?”
“It would be a long ride in one of your cars, but we will go airborne once we get away from this populated area. The trip will be about a half hour," Carler offered.
“You guys aren't really from around here, are you?”
“No, this country wasn't doing well, and the leadership and the people wanted out. We bought it and are doing everything we can to see that the people are happy and well taken care of.”
“When my dragon said planet, I thought she meant this planet.”
“You have talked to your dragon? That's good, and it will make this easier.”
“I'm just ready to get this over with. I want to see what happens and find out what these changes in my life will bring me.” Viv admitted.
He could tell her what it was going to bring her. She was his, and they would be happy together. If her dragon could fly, they would soar the skies together. There would be no greater feeling than flying side by side as mates. Carler knew there was no way to explain how things could be to her, and she would have to see for herself. His dragon was almost giddy at the thought of meeting his mate. It would happen in just a little while, and they would see and know exactly what her dragon would be like.
They took to the air and flew high over everything. It wasn't long before they started going down, down to Earth. The transport landed in the middle of a large desert. Their section seemed to have gray dirt and small gray mountains. This landscape was harsh, and that was why it was deserted.
Carler set them down in the middle of a wide-open space. This was where she and her dragon would meet. Obviously, she was nervous, and he would try to help calm her as much as he could. He got out and moved around to her side, where he opened the door and helped her down.
“Don't worry, this will be easy. It will either work or it won't. Let's go over here so we have plenty of room. Close your eyes, imagine your dragon, and tell her she can come out to play.”
She did exactly that, and he could see the change beginning. He stepped further away to ensure he wasn't slapped by a dragon wing. He could see the change, and she would be a full dragon. A beautiful silver and purple dragon. He stepped toward her now that she was finished and rubbed his hand over her snout.
“You are the most beautiful dragon I have ever seen. I will change, and we will go for a flight," Carler directed.
He morphed and felt the electricity of the change rolling over him. Carler loved his dragon, but it was more manly and not colorful and pretty like his mate’s. That was okay because his dragon was strong and able to protect her. She hadn’t waited for him, and she had already taken off. He hurried after her to catch up because the new dragon needed support. If they made mistakes, they needed someone to help them figure things out.