Page 27 of Carler

“Are you alright?” He asked softly.

“More than all right.” She said as he eased in.

They both moan as her core wrapped around him. “You are so tight."

“That's because you are so big.”

He started sliding in and out slowly at first, and then he picked up speed. Her legs wrapped around him, and her toes dug into the soft cheeks of his ass. This was the most sensual experience she had ever had. Sex with Doug had been good, but it had been sweet and tender. They experimented occasionally, but things never got wild or overly passionate. She thought it was because neither of them was overly sexual people. Now she was discovering that wasn't true at all. Viv just needed to discover that side of herself.

Or maybe she had just needed help discovering that side of herself and releasing the inner vixen. Carler was showing her just how wild it could be as he was pounding into her, and she was lifting up to meet him. Her body was on fire, and she urged him on. She wanted him deeper, harder, faster, and just plain more. Her climax was just out of reach, and she wanted it now. It was so close that she could almost taste it. Viv felt that she would never stop wanting more once she reached it.

“Come for me!” He demanded, and so she did.

She flew as her climax hit her over and over again, and then he came as well. Viv felt a sharp pain in her neck, but she ignored it because the pleasure was hitting her so hard that nothing else mattered. That was something she would worry about later. Maybe he'd bitten her because her impulse had been to bite him back, and she had. His blood was rich and coppery. The bites just caused them both to come again. It was the most incredible feeling she had ever had, and she would want to do this over and over.

They made love again several times. “I didn't know a man could recover so quickly," Viv observed.

“That depends on the man.”

Apparently, that was true because he was ready to go again. The surprise was that Viv was ready to go with him. She was turning into a wanton woman. Before, sex had been intimate and a sign of love, and while it had been enjoyable, it had not been like this. This was an incredible adventure and just sharing of two bodies in an explosive manner. She couldn't seem to get enough of it.

“Maybe I should let you get some sleep. We do have to work in the morning.” Carler observed.

“We both do, and you need your sleep as well.”

“Will you sleep with me? We can get up early enough that you can go by your place, take a shower, and get dressed.”

“Yes, we can do that.” The next thing she knew, she was asleep, and it was the deepest and best sleep she had ever had.

Carler woke her, even though she wasn't ready to get up. She knew she needed to get ready for work. She dressed and headed down to her room with a smile. It was hard to stop smiling after the evening she had just enjoyed. After getting in her room, she undressed, showered, and redressed. His timing was impeccable because there was a knock on the door, and he had come to escort her to breakfast.

Viv was a little sore and tired, but she felt wonderful. With a little coffee and something to eat, she would be in wonderful shape. It was the best exercise she had ever gotten because it had been a good workout, and she had enjoyed it. Glancing up at him as they walked to the cafeteria, she sensed something had changed between them, and there was a bond there that she didn't understand.

As she looked at the food in the cafeteria, her appetite exploded. There was nothing to do but to get as much food as she could and hope no one noticed. Yeah, right. She noticed people were looking at her. Someone even commented that it looked like someone hadn't gotten any food last night. Well, if that was what explained it to them, then that was good, right? It was almost like her appetite had doubled. If she didn't know better, she would think she was pregnant.

She was on her usual birth control, so she wasn't worried about that. Even if it happened, it would be too soon for her appetite to increase. Viv was happy that she had stayed on her pills so she wouldn't have to worry about a complication before she was sure of a relationship. That was great foresight because she had considered getting off them since she hadn't seen anyone.

Her doctor suggested she stay on them to keep things regular, although she wasn't sure they helped. About two hours later in the office, she felt weird and had a hot flash. She never had anything like that before. Was she getting ill? She'd had colds before but never anything serious and didn't know what to think about it. Viv switched to mineral water and hoped whatever it was would pass. It didn't.

She progressively worsened, and the hot flash switched to a fever. Breakfast didn't taste nearly as good when it came back up as she hugged the porcelain throne. Since Carler had left the office on some errand, she couldn't ask him if he'd gotten sick, too. Maybe it was something she'd eaten? Sex couldn't make you sick, could it? She was as sick as a dog by noon when he returned. He didn't look surprised when she told him she felt terrible.

“Is there an illness going around?” She asked.

“I believe I know what's wrong with you. I need to take you to my room and have our doctor see you. She will be able to help you, and once she takes a look at you, I will tell you what I believe is wrong.”

Viv could barely walk as she clung to him. They took the elevator to his floor, and he settled her into his room. She crashed as soon as he put her to bed, and she had a hard time waking up when the doctor arrived.

“Another one? Don't you guys prepare these women for this? Maybe we should be checking into a way to ease them into this rather than just drop them hard?” The doctor asked.

“Is that even possible?” Carler questioned.

“I believe this could be done easier. Some things could be done in preparation that might help when the time comes. Knowing that this would happen might also help, at least mentally. Let me go in and see her.”

“I'll show you where she is." He led the way.

“My name is Amy, and I'm a doctor. I'm gonna help you feel better and get over this quickly. Your male here has some things he must tell you after I leave.”

“I'd appreciate anything you can do to make me feel better because right now, I feel absolutely awful. It's the worst I can ever remember feeling," she replied.