Page 28 of Carler

“That's not a surprise. Do you want to eat anything, honey?”

“Yeah, I think I could," Viv answered.

Amy directed, "Order her some chicken noodle soup." She should also get a couple of bottles of mineral water and some ice.

Amy got a washcloth and wiped off her face. Viv had to admit that it helped cool her down. The doctor got to work checking her blood pressure, her heart rate, and her temperature. “Just what I expected.”

“Doc, I need to know what's wrong with me, and you seem to know.”

“I do, but it's not my place to tell you. Mr. Carler needs to explain that to you. I'm here to make this as easy on you as possible. You need to drink as much as possible, and water is best. The mineral water is to help you with your stomach, and we will save it for that. Their water is the cleanest, freshest water you'll find anywhere because they run it through several treatments. That's what you will drink until you are better. Food will be as tolerated, and for now, I can't see you having anything except soup and only the kind that is easiest on your stomach. Sleep, you need to get all that you can. Any questions?”

“Only the ones you won't answer.”

“Alrighty then. I'm going to give you a vitamin shot. This should help speed healing. I will also give you a broad-spectrum antibiotic even though you probably don't need one. It's just in case.”

“Does that mean you think I have an infection, or you know I don't?” Viv asked.

Amy chuckled. “You're a sneaky one. I won't answer that question because I've already said enough. The best thing for you right now would be sleep. Your guy will bring you your food, and I will let him feed you if you need help while he explains what's going on.”

Her timing was impeccable, and Carler entered with a tray. He set it down on the nightstand beside her and pulled up a chair.

“I'm going to get back to my usual work. I have my computer with me, and I will be in the living room while you two talk. Call me if you need anything,” Amy offered.

As soon as she said it, she was gone before either could answer. That was probably her intention because whatever was going on, it was clear that she did not want to end up in the middle of it. Now Viv stared at Carler. He had the answers, and he would give them to her.

“You need to eat. While you're doing that, I will explain what is happening.”

“I feel well enough to feed myself, but I need to know what is happening," Viv demanded.

“How do you feel about dragons?”

“Dragons? Are you saying that Old Joe is right and there are dragons here? Do they carry a disease? I don't know how you could have caught it since I haven't been around any dragons.”

“No. Dragons do not carry diseases. Yes, Joe was right that there are dragons here. But he was not right about them, and they do not want to take over this world.”

“Joe, he said they were dragon shifters. That means they can turn into dragons. Are you one of them?”

“Yes, I am one of them, and now you are too. That is what is happening to you. Your body is changing and making room for your other half. This change would not occur if you do not have dragon shifter DNA," Carler explained. “It doesn't need to be very much, but you need to have it to change. We think that when your planet was young, a spaceship crashed or landed here, and there were dragons on it, maybe even many dragons. They either could not leave or chose not to. They mixed in with the local inhabitants. That is why many of your people have dragon DNA," Carler explained.

“I believe I figured things out. I'm very sick. I'm in a coma, and I am dreaming. That's the only thing that could be happening. I've been obsessed with Old Joe, and it's coming back to bite me. I'm dreaming he was right about everything, and the dragons have come to get us.”

“Joe is not right about everything, and you are not dreaming. Dragons are not invading your world. We do not want to take over everything, and we hope that we will be able to help your people.”

“You're telling me you have come here to be helpful without hoping to get anything back? I find that hard to believe.” Viv admitted.

“No, our society has an imbalance regarding the ratio of males to females. We came here to find mates.”

“That's all you were looking for. Someone to mate?”

“I was reassigned here and didn't intend to find a mate. I knew I couldn't live without you the moment I saw you.”

Viv was crying. She didn't know how to handle everything. She'd finished her food, and she was feeling really tired. Her eyes kept closing, and she fell asleep even though she wanted to say something to him. Something was touching her, and she wasn't sure what when she jerked awake. It wasn't Carler, it was the doctor, Amy. She was checking her blood pressure and other things.

“Will I live?” Viv joked.

“You seem to be doing well. You're fully into your change and are adjusting. It's hard to say how long it will last. I've only seen a few. When you are done changing, you will be stronger, less likely to get ill, and you will have a very long lifespan. The most exciting thing to me would be flying high in the sky. I can hardly imagine what that would be like. I suppose I should get out there and find myself a dragon. They are not easy to draw in and are very particular about who they mate. It is said that the dragon knows the moment it meets their mate, but the man knows too. You have to be chosen by both of them to be a fated mate.”

“You see how hard this transformation is and yet you would choose it?”