Page 3 of Carler

At least they had a plan. Thankfully, it was simple because what came after would probably not be. Viv suddenly had a sense of foreboding. She couldn't really say why or who would be the unlucky one it fell upon–just that it was there.

These feelings were not always directly related to her. Sometimes, they reflected things that had yet to come to someone she was or would be around. Many of her coworkers said they had gut feelings, so she assumed hers were the same.

She'd had a bad feeling when Doug was killed. If only the feeling had been more specific, she might have known what would happen and prevented it.

It always bothered her. Could she have prevented Doug's death had she taken different actions?

Viv had called to warn him to be careful, and he promised to be. However, an assassin could be hard to avoid when they hid and took aim at you.

Shaking off the feelings of dread, she headed out. The car waiting for them was a limousine. It was the first time she'd ever ridden in one. So far, the luxury of the entire trip was something she wasn't used to.

The hotel they picked looked like the kind where only the richest people stayed. When they checked in, they were given side-by-side rooms. These were more like suites, with a sitting room, kitchenette, and large, luxurious bathroom.

Heading up to their rooms, Viv peeled off toward hers. It was time to break out the computer. She needed to see what was happening and what they should do next.

She searched for any information on old Joe and his mob contacts. They were here in Chicago, and a big meeting was happening. Whether she was brave or crazy, she was going to go to that meeting. It didn't matter if anyone went with her or not. If lucky, they could catch Joe Senior and send him to jail. It was possible to end everything he had done to the people with whom she worked.

The phone rang–the phone in the room–and she was surprised. "Something is happening. We need to go. We have an address. The car will be out front with a driver who is familiar with the area," Landra directed, then hung up.

Viv figured they would be downstairs waiting for her. She had dressed comfortably for the flight, so she didn't need to change. Digging through her suitcase, she removed some of her weapons, putting them in places where they wouldn't be visible.

Viv had a few knives, too, but she was sure they were heading into a gunfight. After pocketing her room key, she left to meet her two partners and their new driver. Hopefully, the driver knew this would not be a fun party.

Landra and Kareth were waiting for her in the car, and the driver was behind the wheel. Kareth had once again claimed shotgun, so she slid into the back with Landra.

The driver took off like he was in a race. She wondered if he worked for the same people she did. They were heading out of town. It made more sense. Not that she hadn't known the mob to meet in town either. Maybe they were trying to hide from old Joe. Ranger told her they had gotten information from an anonymous source. Viv was sure it was the mob guy Joe had worked for previously. He'd had enough of Joe and was ready to take him out. It looked like everyone had had enough of Joe. Viv hoped that would cause him to be taken down.

She was unfamiliar with Chicago, although she had been there once or twice. One of the times, she was on a vacation with Doug. It had been the best time of her life. They discussed getting married and possibly having children. They decided to wait since one of them would have to move into a more stable job to be home with any children they might have.

They had been so in love that neither thought–even though their jobs were dangerous–that either one of them would be killed.

It had been foolish. Viv and Doug had not been nearly careful enough when faced with the evil that was old Joe.

Young Joe was learning from his father, and he was already an evil to be reckoned with. Neither Joe Senior nor Young Joe cared for the lives of others, not even those they were supposedly close to.

Viv hoped she would finally get him. Then, she could go to Doug's grave and tell him he had finally gotten justice.

Viv knew Doug would never have expected it from her, but she was also certain he would have done everything possible to ensure justice for her had the situation been reversed.

"We're getting close. The meeting is in a mansion just a few miles outside of town. The new boss, Johnny Davos, has invited most of those working for him. That might be a mistake since some may still be loyal to Joe. I'm not sure what we're walking into, but you need to be especially careful," Kareth directed.

"Why do you think I need to be more careful than the two of you?" Viv asked.

"We are testing out a special armor that repels bullets. There were only two available. More may become available in time, and you may get one," Landra explained.

"Thanks a lot. I intend to be careful. I want to see Joe brought to justice. You can't imagine how much this means to me," She observed.

"We are close now. We need to get out and walk so we will not be seen," the driver explained. Apparently, he was going in with them. That confirmed that he was one of Ranger's people.

They all got out of the car and headed to the house. The driver hid the car where it would not be readily seen, and they cut through a wooded area that butted up against the yard.

Viv’s emotions were all over the place. All the conflicting feelings were almost overwhelming. There was concern that old Joe would escape and it would all be a waste of time. There was excitement at the possibility that she might finally end his heinous crimes. Finally, there was the fear that she or someone with her might be his next victim.

The other three people with her seemed to be in excellent shape. Viv struggled to keep up with them, even though she considered herself to be in really good shape.

As the house came into view, they slowed slightly and spread out. It was a good plan. However, Kareth and Landra had not asked her what to do. They'd simply taken it upon themselves to do what they thought was right. Viv never felt she was in charge when working with Ranger's people.

Most of the party seemed to have moved outside to a patio area to the pool and the hot tub. People were everywhere. Many were drinking, eating, or working the crowd.