But she had no choice. She had burned her bridges when she left the FBI. If they accepted her, they would make her start at the entry-level, not at the rank she had held.
Maybe Carler was right. She could get caught between old Joe and his former employers. Viv wasn't sure how any of them would survive if that happened.
At this point, the best thing to do was to head back to her room and pack her bag while considering what she might need. If they took the private plane, she could bring some protection, like her guns. Regardless, she would be able to take some personal armor, and that would be a help.
"Okay, I'm going to pack and get ready. I'll see you when I get back."
"Be careful. I have plans for you," Carler replied.
She wasn't going to touch that statement with a ten-foot pole. Hurrying away, she knew he was watching as she went. Once in the elevator, he could no longer see her.
Their relationship would be a problem, and she wasn't sure how to handle it. If they caught Joe and he was punished, she might be able to put her past life behind her. Only then would she decide how to handle Carler.
Packing didn't take long. Viv put the guns and other weapons in her bag, hopefully. Heading down to the entrance, she wished she had asked Carler where she was to meet Landra and her mate. Thankfully, it didn't matter because they were waiting for her. It made her wonder when they had been told about this trip.
On the one hand, they might have always been packed for a trip since they traveled often, but Viv was still suspicious that they were already ready.
"I am glad to see you're ready," Landra observed.
"Lead the way, and I will follow," Viv replied.
"I will lead the way," Kareth barked, taking charge.
Viv looked at Landra, but she didn't seem to mind. They followed him to a transport, and someone loaded their bags. Kareth helped them into the transport and sat up front with the driver.
It wasn't far to the airport, and she wondered if they were taking a private or public plane. Her question was answered when they pulled into the area where planes were parked. The driver parked in front of a nice private plane sized for a small group or a family.
"Nice plane," Viv commented.
"It is Ranger's personal plane," Landra mentioned. "He loaned it to us for this trip because he has no plans for it right now."
The stairs were already down, so they got onboard, and their baggage was loaded below. They weren't the only ones on the plane. There was also a woman dressed like a chef. Viv also noted that a pilot and copilot were in the front.
If anyone else was there, they were somewhere she couldn't see. Having a chef for a flight would certainly be over the top–not that she would complain.
As soon as they were loaded and had a drink and a snack, the stairs were removed, and the door closed. The plane was already running, so it started down the runway.
It was an experience she would never forget. Usually, flying was an incredible headache. She often spent as long inside the airport getting everything ready for her flight as she did on the flight itself. If things continued as they were, this would be the best flight she'd ever had.
It was nice to have a good flight because when they arrived, there was every chance their stay would be anything but enjoyable. They would be in the middle of a mob fight that could go either way. Many of the resources had been taken away from old Joe, but there were still favors she was sure he would call in. An hour into the flight, the chef served a marvelous meal. There was a large salad and a choice of several drinks. She chose a sparkling cherry one. They were given a choice of beef or chicken. Both choices would be good, but she got beef feeling like she needed something filling.
Everyone had chosen beef. It was a surprise; it was beef Bolognese. She'd had it before, but not very often. It was quite expensive and only available in gourmet restaurants. It was hard to deny that this was the best she had ever had.
Once the entree was eaten and taken away, dessert was offered. There were several choices—all frozen desserts. Viv selected a Baked Alaska, which was like an oversized cupcake. There were signs it had already been set on fire before it was frozen. It was delicious, and she enjoyed it immensely.
Viv had the choice earlier to have a drink with alcohol, and she chose not to. When given the choice again, she still chose not to, while the couple with her had an alcoholic drink. Even though she was not on duty while traveling, Viv wanted to be ready to do whatever was needed without being impaired.
She never drank unless she was on vacation and away from work entirely. She knew many people did not follow that rule, but Viv knew it could get you killed.
Now that she was full and relaxed, it was time for some sleep. It didn't always work, but on this occasion, the seat was so comfortable she leaned back and quickly fell asleep.
She slept for hours without interruption. When she woke, she was told they would be landing soon.
"A car will pick us up and take us to the hotel. I suggest we all take a short time to settle in and take care of anything we need to. We will let you know our room number. You can contact us when you're ready to act," Landra explained.
"That sounds like a great plan. If you find out something we need to act upon before I do, let me know," Viv replied.
"We will do that," Kareth responded.