Page 138 of Wreck Me

I knew I liked her.

“Still, you hurt my best friend,” she says.

“Your best friend should have enjoyed the freedom she was gifted.”

“If only it were that easy.”

A tap on the microphone causes both of us to shift our heads toward the middle of the building. Tyson is in the middle of the ring.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the king’s show. On the left, Blake, the undisputed champion of Eagleton. On the right, what was your name again?”

Laughter breaks out. I can’t help but chuckle.

Mia leans into me and says, “Why does Blake do that?”

“I don’t even know…” Attention, validation, to feel something. I don’t say any of that, instead, I add, “We can’t stop him. Blake has always done what he wanted.”

“Then why is he miserable?”

“It’s the Family curse.”

The fight starts, and Mia is completely enraptured. She twitches every time the opponent comes close to Blake, but the other guy doesn’t stand a chance. Blake’s in his element, dodging perfectly every hit, throwing punch after punch with a precision that has everyone gasping.

It’s his show, and everyone has eyes only for him.

I snap my fingers in Xander’s face for another shot. He grumbles but makes me another one, quickly redirecting his attention to the boxing ring.

Blake is not even breaking a sweat. Toying with his opponent, he switches from one foot to the other. Dancing to a violent rhythm, Blake tires the other guy, who wavers on his feet. He delivers short but precise punches; his opponent’s brow splits and one of his eyes swells. With a right hook, Blake sends the guy flying and dropping onto the mat.

Mia jumps up, hand to her chest. I empty my shot in time for Blake and Tyson to come to us. Blake greets her with a jerk of his chin, no surprise flickering in his eyes. Hmm. Interesting.

“Silver,” he calls her in a soft voice I’ve never heard before.


They keep looking at each other, completely ignoring whatever happens around them.

Tyson pulls me to his side. “What made you come tonight?”

Heartbreak. Instead, I say, “Same as everyone else, to have a good time.”

Blake leans into Mia, whispering something to her. She glares back at him, and then he gets back into the ring.

After two more opponents end on the mat, the fights are over for tonight. Five shots later, and I’m hanging on Blake’s arm.

“I love him so much,” I say.

“You’ve been saying that like a broken record. My ears are ringing.”

“I don’t know what to do. Tell me what to do.”

“I know for sure that I would die for the woman I love.”

A deep sigh heaves my chest. “That’s not reassuring because you would rather die than live and love.”

He flinches. “I need to get your drunk ass home.”

“Did I ruin your night? I did, didn’t I? I want to dance.”