Page 139 of Wreck Me

I take a step back, colliding with Tyson.

“Easy there.”

“I want to dance.”

“No one is holding you back.” With his dark hair and eyes, he emanates that forbidden thrill girls can’t seem to resist. Yet, he does nothing for me.

“Blake wants to take me home.”

“If you want to dance, dance. You need to let loose. Let me handle Blake.”

I kiss his cheek. “Thanks.”

Letting the music sweep me away, I dance with Tyson for a while until he whispers in my ear, “Dane’s watching.”

I open my eyes to see him leaning against the opposite wall, holding me captive without even touching me.

Tyson pulls me closer. “He’s a lucky guy.”


“He’s the one you want.”

Tyson wraps his arms around my belly, undulating our bodies to the rhythm of the song. I might be in the arms of another guy, but it’s Dane who owns me. He pushes himself off the wall, a predator stalking his prey with single-minded purpose and undivided attention. Anticipation floors my insides.

“He can’t come to me.” I’m weak.

“Abi, the way he looks right now, I don’t think anyone could stop him.”

I turn around just to cut the connection, but then I’m ripped from Tyson’s arms. My back crashes into a familiar chest, sending my heart rate into overdrive.

Dane snakes his hand around my neck, pressing me harder into him. A buzz travels through my body, electrifying me. I’m high on him. No wonder I can’t withstand temptation.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, grinding against his dick.

He puts his mouth against my ear, awakening goose bumps on my neck. “Dancing with you or killing the guy who touched you. What do you prefer I do, princess?” His low and deep voice sends a delicious shiver down my spine. Not even the tequila could make me drunk like he does.

“I went out because of you.” I’ll never drink again. Apparently, the alcohol cuts the link between my mouth and brain.

“You did?”

Mouth, shut the fuck up.

“Yes. I wanted to forget for a bit. But I can’t.”

“What can’t you forget?”

Somewhere in the back of my brain, alarms go off. Multiple pairs of eyes are on us, yet for the first time, I don’t care. Let them watch and see who I truly belong to.

But then I come to my damn senses. I pull myself off him, which instantly chills me.

Rushing out, I push my way through the throng of people. Outside, the cool air wraps around my body, waking me up a bit from my alcoholic stupor. Dane is right behind me.

My arm shoots out to keep a bit of distance.

“How did you know where I was?” I ask.

He cocks a brow. “I have my ways.”