He tips the glass back and I seek his eyes.
“I know when someone is hiding something, and I also know when it’s about to explode.”
“At times, I want to hate you, Kian.” He sighs, and I twirl the alcohol in my glass.
“If it was up to me, you would never have found out.”
I prop my back against the railing and he switches to his side and stares right at me.
“So you would have let me hate you while you tear them apart?”
“I am old enough to protect myself,” he tells me under his breath.
“Perhaps, but to me you’ll always be the little boy I pledged to protect.”
He places the empty glass down and grips the railing, swaying on his feet.
“Have we ever been a family?”
“Jillian loves you, Brandon… but let’s test Richard.”
“What do you mean?” His brows pinch together.
I take a sip and I say, “My plan has always been to see if you were a product of desire or an inheritance?”
He taps his fingers against the railing, features calm as he thinks. “And how do you intend to find out?”
“You should inherit his share, but the problem is, he won’t have anything in the end… Still, I want you to take his role in the company.” I have been buying shares secretly from Richard for years now.
Brandon gulps, incredulity etched in his eyes.
I wave a hand in the air. One day, he won’t doubt my love for him, nor what I would do for him. We still have a way ahead of us, but I will make damn sure the people I love know my feelings.
“I like power, to prove myself that I can get it. I have enough money, and no title will ever make me feel better, just Ellia and my baby. I want to subdue this side of me, the power hungry, the control freak. And you can be her godfather.”
“I thought—”
“Both of you. Kendrick is my brother too. Plus, Jason said he loves me, but he won’t change diapers even for his own. He pissed me off.”
Stark emotions take over his features. “Thank you.”
I place my hand on his shoulder, and say, “I haven’t been the best brother, even if we’re not brothers. I’m sorry. You and Walter are the only family I know.”
He wipes at the corners of his eyes.
“Are those tears?”
“Fuck off.”
“Ellia said vulnerability is a sign of strength,” I dole out my woman’s wisdom.
He cocks his head. “How is that working for you?”
“It’s hard expressing it when you were taught never to show it.”
He nods and we move to the lounge and drink in silence for a while.