Page 109 of Mine to Worship

Brandon and Kian hug sideways.

“Make yourself comfortable, I’ll put Ellia to bed and come back down,” Kian says then he guides me up the stairs to our room.

“Have I told you how perfect you are?” I ask before I kiss him.

“Brandon needs someone right now,” he replies and I’m so proud of him.

Kian undresses me then helps me into one of his shirts that used to hang over my thigh but now ends under my bikini line.

I cover a yawn with my hand, and he tucks me in.

“I can’t wait to stay awake longer than the chickens.”

His body rocks with silent laughter and says, “Or we’ll have a second one.”

“Oh no, not so quickly.”

“So no more babies?” His brows draw together, and I roll on my side.

“Let us have this one first.”

He kisses my temple and my eyes close, the corners of my lips curling up.

This crazy man of mine.

We’ll definitely have another one somewhere in the future, but for now I want to enjoy us in the formula we are.

Chapter 38


With my hands in my pockets, I shuffle down the stairs. Something is wrong with me. Here she is pregnant, with our first baby and I go all caveman on her and ask for a second. I shake my head, taken aback by my subconscious desire for another baby. Am I that desperate to keep her? I am, but she needs to want to stay with me.

Downstairs, I look for Brandon, and see him standing on the balcony, a glass of whiskey in his hand. I pour myself one and join him.

“Is Ellia asleep?” he asks, eyes focused on the horizon.

“Since she’s gotten pregnant, the moment her head finds a pillow, she’s out.”

“She fell asleep at the movies, too.”

“You didn’t tell her that, did you?”


“Good for you. She uses the pregnancy card like no other.”

“I kind of noticed.”

“But she deserves it. I am so fucking relieved she’s better.”

We clink our glasses.

“You’re lucky to have her,” he tells me.

“I am a lucky bastard. Literally.”

“Who cares, it’s not as if anyone in this family cares about anything other than money.”