Once we get home Azariel not only has a new wardrobe but every tech gadget in the market along with all the video games a boy can dream of.
I need him to be smart and strong enough to lead an empire but I also for some reason I’ve yet to understand, I want him to be a kid.
A kid who dreams and smiles.
Why do I want him to smile at me?
Because he’s yours… he always has been yours.
It could never be.
Because I don’t deserve him and he sure as hell deserves more than what I can give him.
There’s no love and tenderness in me anymore and a kid like him deserves that and so much more.
I wouldn’t know how to love him.
I was never any good at it.
I didn’t get a chance to.
That dream only lasted a second before it was ripped from me.
Chapter 10
“I found her in the dark and she’s been my light ever since.” – V
“Fuccckkkk! Please, God. Someone help me!” Whistling loudly, I climb the stairs that lead to the second floor, leather shoes clicking against them, all while the cockroach pleads for God to help him. It’s funny how these fuckers spend their whole lives hurting others and when death comes knocking they call out to their God as if God gives a fuck about them. He doesn’t.
It’s getting embarrassing now. Sometimes I find myself hoping one of my victims will surprise me, but apparently, today is not the time. They all act like tough shit until fear takes over and they’re blinded by pain.
Then they scream and their true colors are revealed.
Once I reach the last step, I grin widely at the crying man being held back by chains around his neck, wrist, and ankles. I watch as he tugs wildly on the chains that are imprisoning him in a tight hold he can never break. “Eliott Beauregard.” I open my arms wide. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” He shakes his head, clearly not feeling the same way. His eyes are filled with terror with every step I take his way. I breathe in his fear enjoying the fuck out of it.
There’s nothing better than witnessing how the predator becomes the prey. This cockroach is not the one I want, but he’ll do… for now. They do say that the only way to force an empire to its knees is to take out its key players one by one.
This filth is not the head of the operation but his daddy and brother sure are and Eliott here is not completely innocent. He has blood and tears on his hands and in my book that makes him just as guilty and consequently just as dead as the rest of them.
Once I’m only a foot away from him, I reach for the photo in my back pocket, gripping it between my thumb and index finger so it showcases in the best of light for him. “Do you know who this is?” He starts to shake, stepping back a little, and I tsk with my tongue. “Nah-ah-ah. I’d be careful moving, Eliott. One more step and you’ll impale yourself on the wall.” His eyes grow big when my words sink in and he stills completely. “Where was I? Ah, yes,” I hold the picture closer to his face so he can see it better. “You haven’t answered me. Do you know who this is?” When he whimpers and starts to cry like a little bitch, I sigh. He’s the same as all the others. Predictable. Pathetic. “Since you won’t cooperate then we shall do this another way.” I pocket the photo and take out a syringe instead.
As much as I would like to torture this fuck longer, I have shit to deal with.
As soon as Elliot sees the syringe, he freezes, his eyes hectically jump between the weapon and me. “I thought of countless ways to end your miserable life, Elliot, and I just couldn’t come up with anything innovative,” I murmured while dangling the syringe between my fingers. “Killing you fuckers has become a tedious cycle. But then I thought about snakes like you with no spine and a whole lot of fucking venom and it came to me.” I hissed.
“P-please. I don’t know you. You must have me confused. My father will pay anything. I’m–”
“Oh?” I take the lid off the syringe and hold it higher and closer to the fucker’s face. “I know you.” I tilt my head and take the youngest Beauregard’s appearance. After Grim, my right hand, had his fun with him he’s no longer recognizable but I have his face memorized in my mind. The pretty rich boy who feels entitled to the world just because his father has money. Men like them make me sick. They’re the reason why this world has gone to hell. But being rich and entitled is not his crime. No. His crime is looking like his bitch of an older brother and that’s one of the few reasons why I cannot allow him to keep breathing the same air as her. He also lives lavishly at the expense of so many innocent souls and for that, it’ll be my pleasure to end his life just so his family’s victims can rest in peace and those who survived them can breathe again. Looking into his teary eyes, I smile feeling nothing towards this parasite. “Your daddy can’t save you now so spare me the melodramatics.”