My eyes fall on him next. My Russian.
He stands tall and as handsome as ever next to Azariel. He too is dressed in all black.
The air thickens. Growing dense and pushing in. Heavy and hot. A dragging pull between us.
As I take the last steps his way, I look at him and only him. Vitali reminds me of midnight. Black hair slicked back from his face that shines like silver onyx. His shoulders are wide and his chest hard and packed, the rest of him sinewy and lean, so tall he cast a shadow wherever he went. The man was chiseled and constrained by danger. Hotter than any sin I’d ever dream of committing.
He, like Azariel, is smiling as I walk towards him. His eyes are shining as brightly as the twinkling lights all around us.
That’s the word that comes to mind.
Then out of the corner of my eyes, I notice Crow and Vernon standing to the side wearing black. The four of them have their own styles but one thing is clear… they’re dressed up for the occasion.
Did they do this for me?
My sweet, sweet mercenaries have gone soft on me. Was it fate that I chose to wear white today?
I don’t know.
But it’s almost poetic how innocent I look in white while they all look handsome in black.
I also noticed Grim, Vitali’s right hand is nowhere to be seen. Huh.
I think about how I revealed to him nights ago one of the dreams I held close to my heart but I never dared hope it could come true.
He just made it come true.
“Will you play something for us, love?” Vitali’s deep voice breaks me from my thoughts and my eyes fall on him. We’re inches apart now and I can still feel him all around me even when he’s not touching me.
He wants me to play…
I can’t help but think how Vitali Solonik has taught me to dream in a short amount of time when all I ever had were nightmares.
I get caught in those gray eyes that are melting the remaining blocks of ice around my heart.
He is making my dream come true but if he only knew the only dream that makes my heart sing is the dream of him.
My dream man.
Blinking the tears away, I look down at Azariel who is now standing between us and looking up at us quietly observing then I look back at Vitali feeling all my fears fade away. “What do you want me to play?” I ask dumbfounded.
Then my favorite thing in the whole wide world happens. He smiles from ear to ear before he whispers. “Play me a song that fills your heart with joy…” he whispers, looking down at Azariel then his eyes meet mine again. “It’s your turn, kotyonok…”
Frowning I ask, feeling my heart accelerate. “My turn for what?”
“To have all your dreams come true. It’s about goddamn time.”