The heart inside my chest that once barely functioned is beating wildly now causing a storm in my chest.
Sticking my head outside my room, I notice there’s a trail of rose petals on the floor and lit white candles making a pathway that leads down the hallway toward the main stairs.
I hate surprises but this time I feel excited and anxious to find out where the trail of roses and candles leads.
My first thought is of Vitali. He must be behind this.
Looking over my shoulder at my reflection, I take in my appearance. Tonight, I’m wearing a white draped collar satin dress with a split running up my thigh with matching gloves. I know it’s extra but sue me. I like to look my best even when I’m having a low-key night at home.
Half of my hair is tied at the top of my head and the rest falls down my back straightened to perfection.
I don’t have any makeup on tonight though. I didn’t get around to it. I was applying a small layer of mascara when someone knocked on my door.
I think of quickly applying makeup but then I think that these are my people outside. I can be myself with them. I don’t need the layers of makeup.
So instead of turning around and applying makeup, I walk out the door, closing it behind me, and following the trail of roses and lit candles.
The hallway is dark except for the light coming from the candles.
The white candles make the atmosphere feel romantic and magical. The roses do too.
I walk downstairs with my heart on my sleeve feeling almost as if I were inside a romance book like the ones my sister loves reading. Where the hero is crazy about the heroine and does little sweet things for her.
Warmth spreads through me as I think about it.
The trail leads me down the stairs towards the kitchen until I find myself standing in front of the glass double doors that lead to the garden.
Taking a deep breath, I try to calm my racing heart but it doesn’t work.
Every room I entered it’s filled with roses and candles.
Every flower arrangement has at least twenty-five roses and since leaving my room I’ve counted more than thirty bouquets.
How did he do this?
Reaching forward I turn the knob opening the doors to the outside area. As soon as the door opens, I’m taken back by the view in front of me.
My garden looks like something out of a storybook or a romantic comedy movie.
White lights hang from the trees and decorate every single bush lighting up the entire garden. My breath hitches when I spot what normally is my gazebo that has been turned into some sort of stage. White curtains fall around every corner making the gazebo look magical and romantic too.
But what has my eyes watering is the chair in the middle of the stage and the cello case next to it. My cello.
“What is this…” I wonder out loud, feeling as if my heart is growing two sizes in my chest.
Then I see them.
All of them are waiting for me at the end of the rose trail.
I see Azariel first standing tall and extremely cute wearing black pants and a matching black dress shirt. Nothing new about his choice of attire. What’s new is the sweet smile on his face as I walk his way.
As if my heart knows my people are here, it beats louder.