Now that she is older and thinks of me as her mom, not even Sebastian or God himself can make me stay away.
Because I might be a lot of things God knows I am, but I am not a liar, and I don’t break promises.
And at this moment, I’m vowing to do whatever it takes to keep this girl with me forever.
“So silly, mommy.” Ella giggles. I grin at her, my heart clutching slightly in my chest, just like it did all those times I spent with her. “I missed you.” All laughter disappears as she looks at me with those blue eyes, so much like her father's, that always got to me, making the hollow space in my chest ache.
I take her little hand in mine, “I missed you too, my darling girl.”
She bows her head, and I hate it. My Ella should never bow or hide. Never.
“What is it, baby?” I swing our joined hands playfully.
“Will you go again?”
“Never,” I vow with my entire chest.
Ella’s smile takes over her face, but then her hand slips from mine, and she shifts into the arms of a giant man currently looking at me as if I’m someone he needs to annihilate. Rising to my full height, I step forward, ready to strike the man for daring to take my girl from me, but before I could, he takes three steps back, anticipating my move.
Who the hell is he? My heart is in my throat, and all kinds of terrible scenarios are running through my mind.
Will he hurt her?
Where the hell is Sebastian?
Ellaiza’s security?
“Give her back to me,” I demand coldly. Unafraid and giving no fucks about the fact that the beast of a man could step on me if he wanted.
The giant asshole doesn’t spare me even a look, his eyes solely trained on the tiny girl in his hands.
“Don’t be rude, Shaw-Bear. Say hi to my mommy. See, I told you she would come back!” Ella’s blue eyes spark with adoration when looking at the scary-looking man who has more tattoos than the Nicolasi twins, and that is saying a lot because the capo of Detroit is a walking, talking coloring book.
“Mommy?” The man, Shaw-bear as my girl calls him, looks my way with untrusting eyes, and I stare at him in the same manner. Ella grabs his face in both hands and forces him to look at her. That is when I notice how the giant man’s eyes turn soft.
What in the–?
“It could be the pope him-fucking-self, and I don’t fucking care, moonshine. You don’t hide from me. Ever. You got that?”
“Yeah, yeah, no biggie.”
“It is a big fuc—” The man, whose name I assume is Shaw, stops himself before cursing in front of Ellaiza. “It is a big deal. If I can’t see you, then I can’t do my job and keep you safe. Do not do it again.”
Ella tilts her head, smiles brightly, and pats his cheek like she’s wiser beyond her years. “You don’t have to worry so much, Shaw-bear. I don’t need protection from mommy. Mommy loves me.” Ella turns to me. “Right, mommy?”
Nodding, I say, “Plus que la vie elle-même, Ella.”
She gasps. “Bien, maman.”
Laughing, I look at her and only at her. “Good girl.” I wink at her, causing her smile to grow bigger while I ignore the brooding giant.
“Oh, no.” Ella gaps. “Where are my manners!” I swear if I wasn’t so emotional and on the verge of tears, I would break out laughing like a mad woman at this girl’s antics. God. How much time has passed, yet she’s the same over-the-top, silly, beautiful girl with an old soul. “Shaw-bear, this is my mommy. Her name is Arianna.” She whispers then. “You should know not to call her anything but her name. She doesn’t like it when people shorten it. It’s Arianna. My dad says that only he and I can, call her sweet names but no one else.” Shaw looks like he could care less about me. The feeling’s mutual jerk.
I just care that he has my heart in his arms. Ellaiza.
“Mommy!” Ella exclaims happily, attracting the attention of a few guests that are now looking our way and whispering.
Paying them no mind, I focus on her. “Yes?”