Page 35 of Bad Kind of Love

“I don’t fucking care.” I shout. “She’s drunk and whatever you have planned for her, isn’t happening. So, find another girl to play with because Josie is going home.”

Josie tenses at the brashness of my voice, while Nate finds it amusing. Laughing, he directs his attention on Wes. “Fitzgerald, why don’t you take your girl upstairs and loosen her up a bit? Seems like she could use a good dicking.”

Within seconds, I’m charging him with clenched fists until Wes stops me with his hand on my shoulder.

“The fuck, Nate?” He snaps as I’m still hot with anger.

“What? The girl’s got a stick up her ass!” He says defensively. “So, as a friend, I suggest taking her upstairs and fucking her till she loosens up a bit. What’s wrong with that?”

Speechless, I don’t know whether to smack him or just walk away. Wes, on the other hand, looks ready to pounce. His hand on my shoulder tightens and his breathing turns heavy.

“Really, Nate?” Josie twists in his arms and starts smacking his chest till he releases her.

“What did I do?!” He stares down at her in disbelief as she continues to smack him.

“You.” Smack. “Just.” Smack. “Had to.” Smack. “Ruin.” Smack. “A perfect.” Smack. “Night.” Smack.

“How did I ruin it!?” His eyes are the size of dinner plates as Josie takes a step back away from him.

Ignoring him altogether, she slides up beside me and frowns. “I’m ready to go.”

Nate’s arms drop in defeat. “Come on…. I was just joking!”

Flipping him off, she heads for the door and I follow behind her. Her walk turns into a jog and I try to catch up.

“Josie!” I shout as she jogs across the street without looking to see if there was a car, but luckily there wasn’t.

“Just drive me home. I’ve had too much to drink to be behind the wheel.” She rips open the backseat door and throws herself inside.

Wes and I make it to the car, and peer at each other in confusion.

“She okay?” He nods toward the back of the car.

“Who knows?” I sigh, running a hand through my hair feeling exhausted.

“Are… you okay?” His gaze is heavy on me, making it hard to concentrate on anything else.

“Of course.” I say to appease him, when in fact I wasn’t. I was more pissed off than anything. Pissed at myself for thinking I could have fun, pissed at Josie for fawning over Nate all night, and most of all, pissed at Wes, for burying himself deep into my head and distracting me.

“Ughh… I don’t feel so good.” I hear Josie groan from the back.

Moving around Wes, I open the back door and pull the keys out of Josie’s hand.

“I can drive.” Wes offers but I answer by plopping down into the front seat.

“You’ve been drinking.” I shake my head. “We don’t need Westwoods’s QB going to jail tonight.”

Nodding, he circles around the front of the car and takes a seat on the passenger side. After buckling in, I glance in the back and notice Josie is already passed out with her arm over her head.

After starting the car, Wes rattles off his address and it takes about twenty minutes until we're pulling up to a house not too far away from the school. It’s a single-story brick house that didn't have much curb appeal from what I saw. All lights were off, including the ones inside so it was hard to make a clear judgment.

“Thanks for dropping me off.” He grins with his hand on the door handle.

“Yeah, no problem.” I say like it’s no big deal. I keep my attention focused through the windshield, staring at the army green garage doors.

“I hope your friend feels better.” He motions toward her passed out figure in the back.

“Try not to punch any more people.” I find myself joking.