“Not so fast, O’Connor.” Travis rips my hand out of Wes’s and brushes his lips against my ear. “Take your shirt off. I wanna see just how perky your tits are.”
My face reads disgusted but as I’m about to push him away, Wes beats me to the punch and sends him flying backwards.
“Touch her again and see what happens.” Wes seethes through gritted teeth. Travis stumbles back over to us with fire in eyes.
“You with Fitzgerald now?” He centers on me.
“No, I’m not.” I take a step towards him. “But understand one thing, I will never, ever, even if you were the last man on earth, get with you.”
His nostrils flare, and I feel Wes pull me back by my shoulder.
“We all know you want my dick, O’Connor.” He snatches the topless blonde and wraps an arm around her shoulder. She doesn’t object but her eyes seem to be glued on Wes.
“Fuck off, Travis.” Wes fumes. “No one wants near your dick.”
Travis grabs a handful of the blonde’s breast and kneads it like his own personal stress ball. “I got pussy lined up at my locker, eager to get their hands on my dick.”
Grimacing, I watch as he lowers his mouth down onto the curve of her neck. With his gaze locked onto me, he darts out his tongue, dragging it across her skin.
“You’re disgusting.” I spit before storming away. I feel Wes hot on my heels as I enter the house.
“Becca, slow down.” Wes seizes my wrist, halting me from walking any further. Frustrated and humiliated, I force my eyes down as a stray tear falls down my face. “Hey.” His voice turns soft as he tries capturing my attention, but the last thing I wanted was for him to see me crying.
“I’m fine.”
I was always fine.
I was fine when my mother left, fine when my dad went to prison and I was fine now.
“I think I found your friend.” He announces, causing my head to lift and follow his line of vision.
Leaning over a foldable table with a tiny ball in her hands, Nate is parked behind her, ogling her ass while she tosses the ball into a cup that has her jumping up and down in joy. Nate stares at her in wonderment before she flings herself in his embrace. Her movements were sloppy and uncoordinated, and by the tall drink beside her, I had an idea why.
Pushing my way to the table, I had the shitty task of convincing a drunk Josie it was time to leave. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Especially since Nate was finally noticing her.
When I pull up next to the table, she detangles herself from Nate and gives me a goofy side grin. As she opens her mouth, Wes slides in beside me, nodding his head at Nate.
“I see you’ve been busy.” She smiles suggestively, glancing back and forth between Wes and me.
“I think you’re the one that’s been busy.” I motion towards Nate who’s taking his turn at beer pong.
Her eyes soften at the mention of his name, and a blush forms across her cheeks. “I think he likes me.”
Guys like him only wanted one thing. And right now, Josie was the perfect target.
Sighing, I entwine my fingers with hers. “We should get going, it’s getting late.”
Apparently Nate has supersonic hearing because he comes up behind Josie and winds his arms around her waist, holding her hostage. “Woah, what’s this I hear about leaving?” He rests his chin on her shoulder, staring at both Wes and me.
“It’s late.” I snap. “Plus, I think Josie’s had enough to drink for the night.”
“What are you, her mother?” He scoffs.
Josie appears clueless to what’s going on, completely enamored by Nate and the way he’s holding her.
“No, but I’m not going to leave her with you.” I comment with a raised brow and fire in my tone.
“What if that’s what she wants?” He tugs on her earlobe with his teeth, sending her into a giggling fit. Her neck arches backwards asking for more and a devious grin appears on Nate’s lips. “The night’s just starting.”