Govek inhaled deeply, thinking of Miranda’s little bag that she called “evidence.” “It may not be enough. The final judgment is put to a vote and my brethren—they have traditionally never been on my side, no matter what truths are presented.”

“Fuck, Govek.” Karthoc raked a hand through his hair. “If we can’t prove that they attacked your woman first I will still have to order you to the foothills. Why would they do something so heinous?”

“I don’t know. Miranda overheard a bit and thinks they were trying to get her back to the hall. They thought that if I saw her there, unconscious, I would go on a rampage and prove myself to be unworthy for the role of chief in Rove Wood.”

Karthoc scoffed. “Fucking lunatics. All of them. They think that would will stop me from merging the clans? From unseating Ergoth off his crooked little throne? The fools had better think again. This whole fucking judgment is just to swindle you out of your own birthright. You are meant to be chief of Rove Wood Clan, Govek. Ergoth should have stepped down long ago.”

Govek gulped, trying to find the words to tell Karthoc he had no intention of becoming chief here. That, at best, he would stay behind in these woods when the rest of his brethren left for Baelrok Forge.

“This has all gotten so Fades-blasted wretched. It was supposed to be fucking easy. Ergoth gets shoved out, you take his spot. Simple. Now I’ve got my fucking seer breathing down my neck about staying here indefinitely and a whole massive judgment to oversee and no end to this stay in sight.”

The seer wanted the warriors to stay in Rove Wood?

“But fine. So be it. Ergoth thinks my patience will run out first? Ha! He’s in for a Fades-cursed season. I’ll just bide my time here and wait him out. See what kind of hole he digs himself in trying to get me to finally give in to his foolish demands. At least the seer will be happy.”

Govek stomach churned threateningly. So Karthoc wasn’t going to be leaving then?

What exactly was the warlord’s game?

One thing was certain, Govek wanted no part of it. “Karthoc, I have no intention of taking on the role of chief.”

Once again, Karthoc was stunned. His jaw slacked. His dark eyes bulged. “You must be jesting. I thought a few days would have helped you to see reason.”

“I’ve never wanted that power. And the only thing that matters to me is Miranda’s safety. Something that I cannot ensure among these males. Look at what they did to her last night. And not a single fucking one of them believes her.”

“All the more reason to want to be chief,” Karthoc hissed. “You should be fucking clamoring to get power over these wretches who have treated you so foul for your entire life. You should want to get revenge on them.”

Govek shook his head slowly. “Get revenge? What good would that ever do?”

Karthoc sputtered, looking for words, blinked when he couldn’t find them.

But Govek could. “Getting revenge would not undo any of the damage. It would only prove me to be the vile abomination they claim I am. Something I’ve tried to do my entire life without a glimmer of success. I give up, Karthoc. I refuse to spend even one moment more trying and failing to change their minds.”

Miranda cared for him. Miranda did not think he was vile.

And that was more than enough.

Fuck, he wanted her now. He turned to go. Scanned the crowd to find her.

“Wait. Govek, stop. I . . . apologize.”

It was Govek’s turn to be stunned. He snapped his gaze back to Karthoc.

The male sagged. “Look, Govek. I . . . fuck, this isn’t . . .”

Govek waited, throat tight.

“I... need you to be here to help train the magic wielders I’ve found, Govek.”

His hope extinguished in a quick burst.

Karthoc continued, undaunted. “Ergoth won’t do it the way I need. I need them to be strong. As strong as you were at Clairton. With these seventeen males, we could turn the tides of the war.”

Bile burned the back of his throat. “You think what I did at Clairton was on purpose?”

Karthoc rose an eyebrow. “Wasn’t it?” Shock burrowed so deep in Govek’s gut he couldn’t find words and Karthoc waved him off. “It doesn’t matter if it was on purpose or not. It was incredible. That kind of power will win us the war.”

Fuck, that stung. “So, I really am just a weapon to you.”