“Did your woman just say she was oozing?” Karthoc asked and Miranda had to cover her mouth to keep from bursting with laughter. She looked back only once, just long enough to see that Govek was pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes squeezed shut, and a slight smile at his lips.

She grinned and went to join the other woman.




“What the fuck happened last night, Govek?”

The pleasant chatter of the humans and orcs died away as his cousin narrowed his dark eyes. His hulking frame was menacing. His fists were balled to strike, his teeth were bared.

“Perhaps we should take this to privacy.” Govek looked toward the humans’ tables. None of them seemed to notice Karthoc’s fury yet, but Govek was certain they would soon enough and he had no idea what effect it might have on the residents of Oakwall.

“We’re doing this here. Right now,” Karthoc said darkly, and Govek knew better than to argue again. “Ergoth says that you struck Wolvc outside of a challenge. Tell me that isn’t true.”

Govek could say nothing, and his silence was enough for the warlord. Karthoc’s scowl deepened. “Fades spit, Govek, what were you thinking? How could you do something so insane? Do you know the kind of trouble you’ve caused for me?”

“I would not think it would be of much consequence to you,” Govek said.

“Of course, it is! It ruins every Fades-blasted plan I had set. Ergoth is forcing my hand with this wretched judgment your clan is holding tomorrow. He wants me to enact the punishment I would give one of my warriors who attacked without a challenge.”

Govek’s stomach dropped.

“I’ll have no choice but to send you to Avokil, Govek. To the fucking foothills.”

To the front lines of the war.

Govek’s head swam. His thoughts blurred. He sought out Miranda in the crowd, followed the sound of her voice on the wind. Stuck to her smile and laugh as Savili familiarized her with the trade.

Fuck fuck. He would lose her.

He could not let that happen.

“I can’t change it, Govek,” Karthoc continued, “Your bastard of a father made sure that all the warriors within earshot could hear it. I can’t show you favoritism, even if you are my cousin.”

“I don’t expect you to.”

Karthoc sighed raggedly, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Tell me there is something that could sway this judgment, Govek. Tell me why you would attack this male.”

Govek managed to breathe past the tension in his gut. “He drugged and tried to harm Miranda.”

Karthoc paused, stunned into silence.

“He and Rogeth, as well as the human Maythra, drugged Miranda with vorial root extract to make her lose consciousness and I lost control when I happened upon the scene.”

“Fades mercy. No fucking wonder you lost your blasted mind. I would have done far more than rip his jaw off.”

Govek tensed at the reminder of what he had done. Fuck, the feel of that crack under his knuckle, the scent of blood, Wolvc’s pain-laced voice.

Miranda’s call for aid.

It roared through him.

He wanted to attack Wolvc again.

“I assume you have proof that your words are the truth and not theirs?” Karthoc asked, tension leaching into the tone.