My Hot Boyfriend
What are you doing tonight?
My Hot Boyfriend
I have tickets to see The Lion King. You’ve probably seen it already, but let me know if you want to come.
Was it bad that when I saw the last few words of what he’d written, my mind went straight to the gutter?
I’d love to come…
My Hot Boyfriend
Are you talking about the show or something else?
What else could I be talking about?
My Hot Boyfriend
Hmmm… you know exactly what I’m talking about.
My Hot Boyfriend
I’ll send a car for you at 6.30, okay?
I can just get the train to Charing Cross and walk from there. It’ll be quicker.
My Hot Boyfriend
The car will be there at 6.30. See you later xx
‘Come on, then, spill!’ Trudy said. ‘Now your smile is the size of two continents!’
‘We’re going out tonight. To the theatre.’
‘So another date, eh? Fake boyfriend, my arse. Like I said earlier, there’s no way you two won’t be shagging again tonight.’
This time, I didn’t protest.
If Liam wanted to take me to bed, the shower or the kitchen counter or ravish me on any other piece of furniture, there was no way I was turning him down.
Ifixed the collar of my shirt for what felt like the tenth time. I should’ve just gone with the jumper. We were only going to the theatre, not a meeting.
Why was I so nervous? I didn’t like to stare in the mirror too much. It was dangerous. Too easy for my mind to stray and start worrying about whether what Dad had said the last time he’d bothered to message was true: that I wasn’t looking as good as I used to.
That was why I needed to stay in shape. Right now, my underwear and fragrance campaigns paid the bills. Without them, I’d be screwed. My face and body had got me to where I was today. But like Mum had warned me, it wouldn’t last forever. I had to get my career back on track, ASAP.
My phone buzzed. Phil was downstairs. There was no time to change now. I’d have to stick with the shirt. Hopefully Mia would like it.