Page 34 of The Match Faker

‘That’s not happening anymore,’ I sighed.

‘For God’s sake! Your looks won’t last forever. You need to bring in the cash whilst you can. To safeguard your future. See if your agent can get you some more endorsement deals.’

‘I don’t want any more deals. I want to do different things.’

‘Not this nonsense again. God gave you that face and body for a reason. When you get to my age, you’ll regret not making the most of your looks. I wasted all my good years on your father and for what?’

‘I’ve gotta go. Can we speak another time?’

‘Don’t forget to send the money for my appointment.’

‘What appointment?’

‘My facial refresh! I told you. Do you even listen to me?’

By facial refresh, I guessed she meant another facelift. Mum was obsessed with trying to freeze time. She was convinced that the only way to keep her boyfriend, Alejandro, from straying was to have different treatments to look younger.

She’d had so much done already. If you asked me, she didn’t need to. But who was I to tell her what she should or shouldn’t do with her body or face. I was just the cash machine she used to fund it all.

‘Send the details and I’ll take care of it.’ I couldn’t say no. She was my mum and I felt bad about what Dad had put her through.

‘Good. And stop shagging around! Bye, son.’

‘Bye, Mum.’ I hung up and put my head in my hands.

Jesus. Did she really believe I was like him? My chest tightened.

Anyway, I didn’t have time to worry about that shit. I had to think about Mia.

I wondered if she’d seen the pictures. I needed to warn her. After dialling her number and putting it on loudspeaker, I swung my legs out of the bed. The phone rang out. Either she was busy or she’d seen the photos and was avoiding me.

As tempted as I was to look online to see how bad it was, I decided against it.

I’d like to think that now they’d got a photo, the paps would leave us alone. But I knew from experience that this was only the beginning.



As embarrassing moments go, I’d had a few. But they paled in comparison to seeing a photo of me trying to pull my knickers out of my arse splashed all over the internet. What a way to introduce myself to the world and my new ‘relationship’.

If the bottom picking wasn’t enough, my mascara smudges made me look like a deranged panda and my hair… God. Because I’d taken off my hat, my bun was lopsided and messy. And not in the sexy, undone way models wore their hair on the catwalk. Mine was more dishevelled than chic.

Everything about that photo had just fucked vibes.

After Liam had pulled me inside, he’d tried to calm me down, but I’d been adamant that I needed to get out of there. Luckily there was a gate at the end of the garden that I was able to slip out of and I got the Tube home.

He’d offered to get me a cab, but he was already doing me a favour. I didn’t want any more charity.

When I woke up I hoped this had all been a nightmare. No such luck.

‘Good morning, M.’ The corner of Trudy’s mouth twitched. ‘Or should I call you Liam’s new mystery lady?’

‘Don’t!’ I groaned.

‘So I see operation FBF has started with a bang!’
