Page 107 of Something Forever

I wrap my arms around her waist, hugging her against me. “Missed you,” I mumble against her, feeling drunk on the sight of her in our home. She grips me tighter, perhaps sensing that I need her embrace right now.


She nudges me. “You’re in a good mood.”

I love you.

“How was your day?” she asks.

“Good.” I sit at the counter, watching her. “Darius and I went to the gym together.”

“Who is that?”

“My coworker at Abe’s. We ended up talking for a while last night after our shift ended. He’s a good friend… I think.”

Stirring what appears to be a curry on the stove, Whitney smiles over her shoulder. “I’m glad you have a new friend. God knows you need to hang out with someone besides me,” she teases.

“But I like hanging out with you,” I shoot back. “How was your day?”

She turns off the stove and gets two bowls from the cabinet. “It was great. All Rhodes looks amazing. I can’t believe how close I am. Busy as hell, but close. It feels good.”

I smile. “You deserve it.”

Whitney crosses over to me with two bowls of rice and curry, setting one in front of me. “Thank you,” she says.

“Thank you.” I point to the bowl of food. “This looks amazing.”

“What did you and Darius talk about?” Whitney asks.

“Luke,” I reply. We both chew quietly for a moment. She glances at me curiously, giving me the space to go on or change the subject.

“It’s been a weird few months,” I start. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what my mum said. Maybe I made a mistake dropping out so quickly. I can’t help but have regrets. Can’t help wondering what might have happened if I’d stayed.

“I don’t know what I would have done without you these past few months. I got into all this because I wanted to honor Luke, to fulfill his life’s plan, but the truth is I wasn’t living for myself. I loved Luke, I really did, but I’m starting to think that he wouldn’t want this for me. He’d want me to do my own thing, forge my own path.”

“I think you’re right,” Whitney says softly.

“I guess I just wanted to make a difference. Change the world. Maybe that’s stupid.”

She reaches out, placing her hand over mine. “It’s not. You have so much to give. Maybe it’s not about changing the world. It’s just about changing one person’s world. I think that can be enough. With my salon, it’s not like I’m really making a difference in the grand scheme of things. But if just one person who comes through our doors leaves feeling better about themselves, it’s a win. That’s important, too, and Liam… you’ve changed my world. Completely.”

The warmth of her words settles deep into my bones. Into every part of me. I want to wrap my arms around her and never let go.

It’s just about changing one person’s world.

I’m reminded of Luke’s original mission statement. Of the importance of effecting individual changes as well as structural ones. An idea flashes through my mind as clear as day. The answer, so obvious and so simple that I don’t know how I didn’t see it before.

I suddenly remember Darius’ words from the previous day: when you know, you know.

“I have to make a call,” I tell Whitney, pushing out of my chair, my mind spinning.

Rushing out of the room, I slip my phone out of my pocket and dial Darius’ number. He doesn’t answer, so I shoot him a text, and then send one to Jackson, too. Amped up, I glance at my phone to see a text back.

Darius: What’s up?

Liam: Can I come over

Darius: Bro are you booty-calling me?