Say it, say it, say it.
“Come on,” I say instead. “Let’s go eat our weight in sticky pudding.”
I’m in love with my wife.
I think deep down, I’ve always felt it. This current, this thread between us. Maybe it started when I saw her standing in our kitchen in nothing but a t-shirt, or when she came to my defense with her mother. I don’t know. But somewhere between saying I do and smoking a joint with my dad, Whitney has become a part of me. An essential part.
After we finish dinner with Simon and my mum, we get ready for bed, both of us exhausted. I’m nervous to be alone with Whitney again after my confessions in the firelight, so I try to keep things light as I watch her crawl into bed.
“Do you want your gift now, or in the morning?” I ask.
Whitney smiles as she pulls the covers up over her chest. “We have to wait until tomorrow.”
I glance at the clock, then pull my sweater and t-shirt off. “It’s after midnight, so technically it is Christmas.”
“Okay, fine, let’s do them now.”
I perk up, a spike of nerves hitting me in the chest. “Really?”
She nods, then crosses the room and reaches for a small bag. I reach into my backpack and get the small box tucked in there. The room feels warmer as she settles back into bed with me, a soft smile on her face.
“You first,” I say quickly.
She scoffs. “No way! You’re the one who insisted we do it now.”
Taking a deep breath, I hold my gift out to her. “It’s not much,” I say softly. “I didn’t know what you’d like, or… ”
She opens the small box, lifting the top off to reveal the tiny gold necklace I got for her. She studies it, her eyes drawing on the small pendant at the end.
“Scissors?” she says, her brow furrowed as she lifts it, studying the tiny golden scissors at the end of the chain.
“Since you’re a hair stylist. I mean, because of your salon. If you don’t like it, I can take it back,” I reply, reaching for the box, but she pulls it out of my reach.
“No. I love it,” she says. She looks up at me, her eyes swimming with moisture. “Really, Liam. It’s amazing.”
A wave of emotion surges through me, and my hand reaches for hers without thinking, my fingers playing at her palm.
“Here. I’ll put it on,” I tell her, reaching for the chain.
She lifts her hair, displaying the back of her slender neck. I unclasp the chain and reach around her, putting the necklace on. She turns back to me, and I finger the small pendant, placing it against her chest. Crossing the room to the mirror, she stares at her reflection, her hand reaching up to her chest.
“I love it,” she repeats with a smile. “Thank you.”
“My turn.” I smirk, putting my hand out expectedly.
She crosses back to the bed and hands me the tiny bag. “It’s not really a gift so much as… something I probably owe you,” she says. “It’s not as good as yours. Now I wish I had gone first.”
“Hush,” I tell her, opening the bag to find a small box that looks like a ring box. I open it to see a simple gold band.
It’s a wedding ring. For me.
I’m speechless. Out of everything, I was not expecting this. I pick up the ring and hold it up in the light before slipping it onto my left hand. It fits perfectly on my finger.
“Sorry it took me so long,” Whitney whispers.