I raised a brow, somehow subconsciously gravitating towards him, walking behind our group together, shoulder to shoulder. “It would have been if you took it easy on us. You didn’t have to demolish us with that ten-point lead.”

The corners of his eyes creased as a grin overtook his face. “Next time, to make it even, I’ll join your team. I can even give you a hands-on lesson on how to serve if you’d like.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Very much so,” he said with a smirk.

I threw my head back in a laugh, thinking he was joking around, but also, secretively I wished he wasn’t either. I shoved that thought to the very depths of my mind.

Once we arrived at the meeting spot, the tour guide waiting for us started to talk us through safety and instructions about the jet skis and what to do in an emergency before he announced for us to partner up. I had turned to Avery and Alex, ready to discuss who was going with who but they quickly announced they would be together while looking at me with mischievous smiles. I glared at them before looking around the rest of our group and finding Reece standing there, looking at me expectantly.

“Guess it’s just us.”

My lips twitched, knowing our friends had made this intentional. “Guess so.”

He held out his hand as I made my way towards him, but I didn’t take it. Instead, it lightly grazed my arm as I stepped around it.

“Don’t worry. I won’t let you fall.”

He said it with a smile as we neared one of the jet skis, and I couldn’t help feeling like the words were filled with double meaning. That he wouldn’t let me fall in any sense of the word. It was a foolish thought really, but this day had a lot of wishful thinking, what was another one? All the reservations I originally had to keep him as a friend were hanging by a thread.

After an extensive scissors paper rock game that had our friends yelling at us to hurry up and decide, I strapped the life jacket in place and hopped on the back of the jet ski behind him. I loosely placed my hands by his sides, not sure where else to put them as nerves prickled under my skin. I wasn’t sure where he would be comfortable for me to hold, or where was safe enough to keep these growing feelings at bay. I didn’t want to press myself against him but I was terrified of how fast we would go and having nowhere secure to hold on to.

He stopped my over-thinking as he grabbed my hands and wrapped them around his waist, pulling me close to where my chest just barely grazed against his back.

I tried to ignore the warmth of his body and the way my heart pounded from the proximity as we slowly took off and followed close behind the tour guide. But it was hard when I could feel the way his heart pounded too.

The whole tour it was like he was completely oblivious to the way he made me feel. As if he couldn’t feel my heart beating against his back as the day went on and our proximity drew closer on the jet ski until I was practically glued to him.

Skating across the water felt so freeing and more alive than I’ve felt in all my life. With his skin under my fingertips adding to the adrenaline filling my veins, it felt a lot like what freedom would feel like. Immersive and comforting.

I tried to divert my attention to the views — of the birds flying high, winding through the bustling trees, the sound of whipbirds echoing around us, the faded sound of the crashing waves, and the crunch of gravel beneath our feet along the steep incline.

The lookouts were a wistful distraction looking over the clear blue water and the vast mountainous island landscape. Anything other than the sound of Reece’s laughter as he walked with his friends on either side of him. But once we were back on the jet ski, he was pulling me close and guiding my hands around him.

As we skied back to the mainland, with my head resting against his back, all I could feel was confusion. Confused by how safe and how calming it was having my arms around him. Confused by how much his proximity was affecting me.

But I let it be as I closed my eyes, feeling the lowering sun sting my skin, the wind across my face and whipping around my hair, and the cool drops of water flicking onto my skin. My focus subtly shifting in time to the feel of Reece’s skin under mine, the even rise and fall of his chest, and the thundering beats of his heart that I’m apparently unable to ignore.

This was a holiday after all. Things would go back to the way they were when we returned. So, until then, I let myself fall a little.

It’s that memory that comes back to haunt my dreams and nightmares. The memory is so vivid in my dreams that I can almost feel everything that I had then. But suddenly, I wake up, and it’s all gone.

That night's party was 2000’s themed. They played music and mash ups from the 2000’s and the dress code was strictly 2000’s fashion.

Avery and I both wore low-rise jeans and crop tops with dark eyeshadow. Alex had baggy jeans and a big T-shirt that made its way to mid-thigh and would probably swallow Avery whole if she were to wear it.

We were at the party by ten o’clock, screaming lyrics in each other's faces and serenading everyone around us. I could already feel my voice going hoarse after an hour. My face was probably flushed bright red, but the ocean breeze cooled my skin.

Avery and I headed to the bar for a drink break as Alex excused himself to the bathroom. I leaned against the top of the bar, waiting for the bartender to come my way. It was then that something hit me, and I fell into Avery. Turning to my right, the boy next to me turned around quickly with apologies pouring out of his mouth before he even saw me.

“I’m so sorry. My friend here doesn’t know how to take it easy. Did I hurt you?”

I shook my head. “No. You’re in the clear.”

He smiled and I thought it was a really pretty smile with his straight teeth and the gleam in his eyes.

His eyes were like a grey storm and his short blond hair was windswept as he ran his fingers through the strands to tame them.