He introduced himself and his friends to Avery and I after. His friend was all too enraptured by Avery, but it was Daniel, the one who bumped into me, that caught my attention.
He told me that he was from South Brisbane but was moving back to Melbourne where he had grown up. I felt my smile grow as I mentioned wanting to always visit Melbourne and it being the only city in Australia that I’d want to visit.
His lips pulled at the corners as he took that opportunity. “Well, if you ever do make it to Melbourne, I could offer you a true local experience?”
I twisted my mouth as I suppressed a smile. “I don't know, I only just met you. Isn't it strange to have someone you barely know lead you around a city you also barely know?"
“I mean, tour guides get paid for that exact thing.”
I laughed and his mouth widened. He was sweet and a real charmer. There was something about him, maybe it was the way his eyes never strayed from me or his warm smile, but it all made me instantly comfortable around him.
"If I kissed you, would it change your mind? I wouldn't be someone you barely knew then. We couldn’t call each other strangers.” He moved a little closer.
A surprised laugh burst from me. “Oh, you’re bold.”
He hesitated. “Is that something you like or am I coming on too strong?”
I pretended to mull it over, drawing it out to watch him sweat. But I couldn’t hold it for long as a smile broke free. “It might be something I’m into.”
His smile came back in full force. “Good. And about that kiss?”
My gaze snagged on Alex over Daniel’s shoulder as he made his way back to us. He was pressing his fingers to his temple, and when he caught my gaze, he shot me a drowsy smile, but there was a hidden pain in his eyes that told me it was time to go.
Alex had suffered from migraines for years and would get them at the most random of times but mostly at night and I could tell from that one look that it was starting to build.
I met Daniel’s gaze again, his soft and expectant grey storms. “I’m going to have to take a raincheck on that. I don’t suppose you would settle for a phone number instead?”
There was no disappointment in sight and his smile never wavered. “I can do that.”
I gave him my phone and he typed his number in.
As he handed it back to me, I heard my name being called over all the noise. My eyes coasted overheads to the region where I heard it come from and landed on Jake pushing through the crowd, panic in his eyes. He beckoned me over to him and I excused myself from Daniel. I took hold of Avery’s hand and Alex’s as he reached us. We pushed through the thick lines of people waiting by the bar until Jake's hand met my shoulder.
He leaned in close for me to hear. “You seen Reece anywhere?”
I shook my head and he leaned over to ask the same of Avery and Alex who both shook their heads in response.
“Has he texted you at all?” was his next question and again I shook my head.
“I thought he was with you,” I yelled.
His mouth twisted and he looked really worried. “He was and then he disappeared on me after he had to take a phone call.”
I pulled my phone back out and started ringing him as I weaved my way further from the music, with Alex and Avery still in tow and Jake following close behind. His answering machine started playing in my ear, and I quickly hung up.
“I’ve called him about twenty times and left seven messages for him in the last hour and a half. He’s answered nothing. Even Sage tried.”
I nodded but even with him telling me contacting him was pointless, I still tried. If Jake – who was always one to give zero shits and live life to the fullest – was that worried that he thought coming to me for help would do any different, I’d try anything.
So I texted him.
Where are you?
Five minutes went by with no answer, and I tried to think of all the places he could be. I wondered if I should stay at the party until he showed up or to try their hotel, thinking maybe he just called it a night early and fell asleep, forgetting to let us know where he was. I got antsy and shot through another message.
Please, answer me. Everyone’s worried.
I chewed my bottom lip as my thumbs hovered over my screen before I shot another message off.