Page 72 of Playing My Rivals

“I know.” With wobbly legs, I rush out of the pool to the umbrella-covered table where my phone is.

I sit and take the call, cursing whoever is on the line for horrible timing. All my thoughts fade away when the nurse asks for my attention.

Jamison runs his hands down his face and then lifts himself out of the water. He sits on the side of the hot tub with his back to me. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was avoiding eye contact.

As the nurse updates me on my brother’s testing, I study Jamison’s back tattoo. It’s a family crest with his last name, Stone, written below it. It’s so sexy I need to cross my legs to stop the mounting pressure between them from growing more intense.

What’s wrong with me?

Being so turned on right now while the nurse is speaking to me about things I should be paying attention to is a new level of low. I force my eyes away from Jami and focus on my conversation.

My teeth are chattering by the time I say goodbye. A towel falls around me, so I glance up.

Jamison wraps the towel around my shoulders. “What did they have to say?”

I can’t hide my smile. “Aiden’s tests are done and everything looks great. They’re going to start bringing him out of the coma tomorrow.”

“That’s fantastic news.” Jami pulls out a chair and sits across from me. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so relieved.”

“Me either. They’ll know more once he’s awake, but don’t think he’ll have any long-term damage.”

Jamison’s expression isn’t what I expect. He’s barely smiling and his eyes travel everywhere except to me. His towel is thrown over his left shoulder, covering his chest. All day, he’s been rubbing over his heart or hiding it with his arm, hand, or towel.

I sigh heavily as I take the hint. He doesn’t trust me with his heart and there’s a good chance he shouldn’t—not if what I did to him by going back to Hunter taught him anything. But Jamison told me to figure out my feelings for Hunter.


Why did you push me away, Jami?

His stoic gaze moves toward the river. For saying he’s relieved, he sure is giving off melancholic vibes. He’s deep in thought, seemingly contemplating something.

I roll my lips between my teeth as the air shifts between us. The passionate storm that was wreaking havoc in the pool has quieted and moved on. I take in the grounds around the various soaking tubs.

It’s peaceful here, but my heart’s restless. I want to be close to him again. I want his comfort and to feel our connection. It’s what’s keeping me hanging on. If it weren’t for him, I’d be a mess.

His encouragement that Aiden would be okay was all I focused on all night. Jami makes me believe everything in life will turn out right if I trust him.

My chair grinds against the concrete as I move it closer to his. He faces me with a blank appearance. I try to read him, but he’s placed an iron wall between us. When I can’t penetrate it, I decide to obliterate it by dropping a detonated time bomb.

I lean forward and cage him in. “Why are you pulling away when we both know you want this?”



What was I thinking by reacting to Dori like a teenager who can’t control himself?

Dori keeps me caged in. “Don’t say you don’t want this. Tell me why you’re being distant now.”

I’m a horrible person for kissing her like a madman when her brother is in the hospital. How can she not see that?

I release a deep sigh. “Because I’ve got to be the worst friend alive.”

“Why would you say that? And don’t tell me it has anything to do with what just happened between us because the two things aren’t related.” She’s begging me with her eyes not to say the words about to fall from my lips.

“Come on, Dori. They’re completely intertwined. If Aiden knew we spent the night together, in one of his beds no less, he’d never speak to me again. Especially given the circumstances. What kind of friend does that?”

I drop my head back and rub my face. “And given what I was about to do… Fuck. I obviously have little respect for a guy who has had my back since day one.”