I sit and pull up my to-do list. We have a brief exchange and then end the call. As I’m placing my phone down, Dori approaches my desk. I’m waiting to be reprimanded for my childish display a moment ago, but the softness in her expression tells me that won’t be happening.
She tips her chin to me. “Was that your friend you left me to go see that night?”
I glance at the phone, then back at her. “Yes.”
“Is everything okay? Is he sick again?”
Her questions strike me as odd because she’s never met him. But she has always been the sensitive and compassionate one in her family.
I study her. “He is sick again, but they’re giving him another antibiotic to help. I’m taking it to him tomorrow.”
“That’s good. I’m glad you’re there to help him. That’s really kind of you.” She nods and shoots me a soft smile.
“I’d help any of my friends if they needed me.”
“I know you would.” She glances over her shoulder at the door, then back at me. “I’ve never heard you talk about an assistant. Why doesn’t she come into the office?”
“She is a he, and he doesn’t come here because I need him out doing other things for me so I can focus on work. I’ve got twenty guys who depend on me. If I don’t get the required things to them, they can’t do their jobs effectively.”
“You have twenty guys that report to you?” Her eyes widen as she sits in the chair in front of my desk.
Her interest in my business surprises me. Just a minute ago, she was spouting off about boundaries. Now she wants to know more about my life, but I can’t say it upsets me.
I lean back in my chair, relieved she’s acting more like herself. This conversation could be the opening we need. I want the distance between us erased. I want our connection back and this is the way to do it. The topic of discussion isn’t that personal, but it’s a start.
“Yes, Dori. I have a full team of tech support and developers who work for me. I run a business behind everything you see me do here.”
“Where do they work?”
“They work remotely all over the world. We converse late at night or early in the morning, so you never hear me discussing things with them. During the day, we easily communicate through apps and instant messages. I have four main guys based in the States because I have more legal protection here.”
She nods. “The guys here are bound by nondisclosure agreements and other proprietary legal contracts that would protect you. Is that right?”
I think I see where she’s going with this, but I’m going to let it play out. I could be wrong and I don’t want to put more strain between us.
“That’s right. My business runs smoothly, and it’s highly profitable.” I move my gaze around the room. “I don’t have to pay for anything like this, so my overhead is relatively small.”
“Can I ask you something personal?”
“Sure. What would you like to know?”
She leans forward like something big hinges on my answer. “Will you ever have to travel a lot?”
She just revealed herself, and I’m jumping for joy inside. I highly suspect she wants to see what my life outside of here looks like.
“Only when my contract requires me to. But as you’ve seen for yourself, it’s not that much. I didn’t have to with Mateo’s company, either. I don’t see that changing.”
“The next question might be over the line, but I’m curious. How big are your contracts?” She turns a shade of pink and glances down.
It's cute she thinks I'd be worried about her asking personal questions, but if this brings her back to me, I'm happy to answer. In fact, I welcome it on a silver platter. She can see for herself I can take care of her just as well as Hunter.
I study her expression closely. I don’t want to miss any clue she may give. “They’ve been big.”
“Like big, big. Or…” Her eyes scroll over my face as she tries to figure out how exactly she wants to word this.
I let her off easy because I don’t like to see her uncomfortable. “Not Jeff Bezos big, but significant enough.”
My phone buzzes, so I pick it up. It’s a text from Aiden.