That’s odd.
My brows knit together, and I glance at Dori. She shakes her head and returns to her desk.
Getting a strange knot in my stomach, I open the message.
Aiden: Hey, brother. I’m still out in the field but have a favor. Since you work with Dori now, will you keep an eye out for her?
My heart rate spikes.
Me: Aiden, what’s going on? You’re undercover yet texting. This isn’t like you.
Aiden: I know. It’s an intense one this time. Things aren’t going as smoothly as we’d like. We’re not sure, but there’s a chance my cover was blown. I don’t have this phone on me most of the time. Only when I’m meeting with the department in remote locations. I need more guidance than usual, so they’re allowing me to contact a couple of people I know we can trust.
Me: Tell me what you need me to do and I’ll do it. If Dori is in danger, you need to let me know.
My protective shield slaps on immediately. Waiting for him to respond, I shift uncomfortably in my seat. My heart’s clawing its way out of my chest. It feels like forever has passed when his message comes in.
Aiden: Just keep an eye on her. This goes without saying, but keep your hands to yourself. I’m not asking you to move in with her or follow her around. Just watch out for suspicious behavior, like notes being delivered from people she doesn’t know. If it occurs, call my office and they’ll let you know how to proceed.
Jesus Christ, this isn’t good.
Me: I can keep an eye on her. We share an office. Don’t worry about us being together. She’s dating her boss. He’s always around if he’s not traveling. As far as you’re concerned, how much danger are you in?
Aiden: She’s still dating him? I told her to lose him. Fuck, she’s reckless, but I know not to try to stop her from dating him because she’ll want it even more. Just look at how she is with you. Anyway, keep her safe and let me know if she needs security. Love ya, brother.
I hate so many things about this message, but the glaring thing is he avoided my question.
Me: Aiden, how much danger are you in?
I press send and nothing happens. My heart is out of my chest and I’m sinking in quicksand.
“Fuck, Aiden!” I stand and trek to the window as I rub the back of my neck.
Dori shoots up. “What’s wrong with Aiden?”
The expression on Jami’s face tells me everything I need to know. Something is terribly wrong with Aiden.
“Jamison Stone, don’t you dare go silent on me now.” I reach his side with my vision blurring.
He glances down. “It’s nothing. He just won’t respond to my last text message.”
“Don’t lie to me.” I squeeze between Jami and the window. “He’s my brother so I have a right to know.”
I may look ridiculous smashed against the glass, but I don’t care. I need to see Jami’s face.
“Dori, what are you doing?”
“Getting your attention.”
“Ok, you have it.” He turns and goes back to his desk.
I lunge after him as if he’s trying to escape the room. “Stop running, then. Tell me what’s wrong with my brother. I know you and you don’t curse at your phone just because he doesn’t send a text back to you. Besides, he’s on assignment and can’t text, so what aren’t you telling me?”
Jami stops and faces me. He can’t hide the fear screaming from his eyes.